a girl with a backpack of shrapnel and wire

Nov 17, 2010 12:16

§ Meeting went well this morning. \o/ Now more minutes to write, and more meetings to scramble for. Sigh ( Read more... )

comics: blue beetle, girl of random thoughts, writing: memes, tv: atla, i am okay with that!, memes: writing

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Comments 26

marag November 17 2010, 17:34:17 UTC
::happy sigh:: I knew you'd love it!


musesfool November 17 2010, 17:38:49 UTC
Heh. You were right! It is totally up my alley.


roga November 17 2010, 17:43:15 UTC
Blue Beetle! Jamie is the BBiest bb of them all ♥. A few years ago someone wrote a Yuletide fic about Tim coming to dinner at Jamie's with his family which was not written for me but EXACTLY what I'd requested and he is so adorable :-)

(BTW, did you know his name is not pronounced Jay-me, but Hi-me? /Things Wikipedia Taught Me.)

Aaaaand catch up on TGW and FNL! SO GOOD STILL.


musesfool November 17 2010, 17:53:29 UTC
He is adorable! And I had my first canon introduction to Tim (well, to comics!Tim, not animated-with-Jason's-origin-story!Tim), so now I can say I know just a tiny bit about him that is not fanon. *snerk*

BTW, did you know his name is not pronounced Jay-me, but Hi-me?

heh. Yes. I did know that.

Aaaaand catch up on TGW and FNL! SO GOOD STILL.

This weekend is for TEEVEE.


silveronthetree November 17 2010, 18:15:15 UTC
Yay! Beetletime!

(all that artwork that is supposed to convey meaning is mostly lost on me. I am not a visual person, so I'm always like, "what am I missing...*tilts head* oh." Much harder than plain text.)

Yes, so much this. It took me ages to learn how to follow comics properly and I still end up having to force myself not to just read the speech bubbles. Actually, that is one thing that I like most about tumblr. Sometimes seeing a panel or page in isolation, without the narrative thread makes me look at it more closely and start to see exactly how much of the story is told visually.


musesfool November 17 2010, 19:04:45 UTC
I still end up having to force myself not to just read the speech bubbles.

*nod nod*

I do that first, then I do a quick scan of the art and try to take it all in together, but man, it's a lot more work!

Actually, that is one thing that I like most about tumblr. Sometimes seeing a panel or page in isolation, without the narrative thread makes me look at it more closely and start to see exactly how much of the story is told visually.


btw, did you see all the Jason-as-Nightwing stuff that popped up yesterday? So ridiculously hot (especially when you ignore the bad dialogue). I don't know what it is about those blue stripes that go all the way down to the fingertip, but there's definitely something.


silveronthetree November 18 2010, 00:41:08 UTC
Yeah, it's so much easier to read a book. I came across an article about storytelling in comics last year that was a complete revelation and really changed the way that I read comics. I'd been completely missing most of the visual clues.

I don't know what it is about those blue stripes that go all the way down to the fingertip, but there's definitely something.

Oh God, I know. I think it is something about imagining where those two fingers might go. I did see it, it's from the bit where Jason is hotter than Dick because Dick has the awful long hair and then Jason gets turned into the tentacle monster, I believe.


musesfool November 18 2010, 01:10:37 UTC
Thanks for the link - I will definitely read the article.

I think it is something about imagining where those two fingers might go.

Yes. I'm sure that's it.

it's from the bit where Jason is hotter than Dick because Dick has the awful long hair and then Jason gets turned into the tentacle monster,


Where is the AU where they team up? (and Jason makes Dick get a haircut!)


writingpathways November 17 2010, 18:52:25 UTC
Sokka!!! And since I haven't seen the last season I fear I'm missing mega Sokka stuff.


musesfool November 17 2010, 19:05:30 UTC
Man, you are TOTALLY missing some AWESOME Sokka stuff! You need to see season 3! How did you survive the cliffhanger at the end of season 2?


writingpathways November 17 2010, 19:07:35 UTC
My roommate and I haven't. We've been muttering about it ever since! We do have access to it on Netflix at the moment though, so will likely be watching it soon.


musesfool November 17 2010, 19:09:06 UTC
Soon! Do it! Do you want to make Azula angry? You wouldn't like her when she's angry!


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