a girl with a backpack of shrapnel and wire

Nov 17, 2010 12:16

§ Meeting went well this morning. \o/ Now more minutes to write, and more meetings to scramble for. Sigh.

§ Dear body: I realize that I'm falling down on the "being a grown up" thing in regard to getting to bed at a reasonable hour. That is no reason for you to fail at sleeping more than 4 hours and waking up at 4 or 5 or 6 am and being unable to fall back asleep. One of us has to pick up the slack in this relationship, and I think we both know it's not going to be me. Or, apparently, you. Sigh. no love. me.

§ A couple people on my flist have begun watching AtLA and it makes me SO HAPPY to see that. Especially any appreciation for Sokka, who is still my favorite, even more than everyone else, who are also my favorites. ♥Sokka♥ Even if I did stay up too late the other night reading epic AU fic.

§ I am having trouble 1. keeping my boots tied, and 2. keeping my hair in my elastic hair thingy. What is up with that? Knots, stay tied! Hair, stay bound! This is not hard! Except for me apparently it is. Sigh.

§ My package was delivered last night (finally!), so I started reading Blue Beetle. While I still find comics difficult to parse (all that artwork that is supposed to convey meaning is mostly lost on me. I am not a visual person, so I'm always like, "what am I missing...*tilts head* oh." Much harder than plain text.), I'm enjoying it so far. ♥Jaime♥ <- clearly those of you who know my favorite character types knew this would happen.

I'm through the first three volumes and while I like Jaime's girlfriend a lot so far, you know I'm totally a BFF OT3 kind of shipper, so I kind of adore all scenes of Jaime/Paco/Brenda and want them all to just make out with each other and then cuddle. *hands* Paco and Brenda are both adorable. But mostly I love how sensible Jaime is. Laugh, but being sensible is a quality that is sorely lacking in so many fictional characters (so many!), especially ones who get special super powers and are bewildered by them, and it's appealing. Plus, his family. I *heart* his parents so much already! Nothing bad must happen to them! Ever!

§ Speaking of trios, I'm going to see the HP movie on Friday (with fangirls! yay!). It's all a little surreal, seeing how grown up those kids are. I really liked Deathly Hallows (yes, even the camping trip), but I haven't reread it since it came out, so my memory is a little vague now. It should be interesting.

§ Since there has been a lot of reading, I am behind on ALL the tv. Sigh. I will catch up this weekend. All I really care about are Fringe, The Good Wife, and Friday Night Lights. Everything else is gravy.

§ Lastly, I will put up this writing meme, where you can ask me questions like What were you trying to do [here]? Why did you decide to ____? This is what I thought about xyz, is that what you were going for? What made you write ____? Why did you decide to do this? And so on. if you like.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/246432.html.
people have commented there.

comics: blue beetle, girl of random thoughts, writing: memes, tv: atla, i am okay with that!, memes: writing

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