come on a little closer, wanna see your face

Jul 17, 2010 14:16

Last night, I acquired and watched Under the Red Hood. I enjoyed it, though some of the writing was laughably bad. I think
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canadians hate jensen ackles, tv: supernatural, recipes, batman, memes: 30 days of tv, hoods and birds, adventures in cooking, movies

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Comments 6

marag July 17 2010, 19:31:35 UTC
Dick Grayson is, in fact, the little black dress of DCU fandom :D

I'm totally going to have to see this Under the Red Hood thing at some point.


musesfool July 17 2010, 19:52:47 UTC
Dick Grayson is, in fact, the little black dress of DCU fandom

I had gotten that impression, yes. *g*

And I enjoyed the movie. I think it definitely hits some of the tropes I'm interested in (forgiveness, vengeance, family) in an entertaining package.


sistermagpie July 17 2010, 23:02:34 UTC
And what's nice is that he's not adverse to wearing a little black dress to prove it.:-)


marag July 17 2010, 23:57:05 UTC
::goes to happy place::

I'm sorry, were you saying something? ;)


sistermagpie July 17 2010, 23:03:39 UTC
Glad it's good! And free of the gravelly voice. And that you're shipping Jason/Dick. It seems like fandom's really into Jason/Tim right now.


musesfool July 18 2010, 03:43:49 UTC
Well, since I know very little about Tim except that fandom loves him, I feel that this way, I at least have some small canon basis for it. *g*


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