i have a secret plan to fight inflation?

Jun 28, 2010 13:47

I ended up making Sugar Donut Muffins (even though I always kind of wince at that spelling of doughnut), and last night when I put the cinnamon-sugar topping on them, I wasn't particularly impressed, but this morning I had one for breakfast, and omg, they really do taste good. I wish I'd brought more than one. Totally recommended and ridiculously ( Read more... )

memes: 30 days of tv, memes: fannish, tv: west wing, adventures in cooking, recipes, my life so hard

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Comments 8

redbeardjim June 28 2010, 19:28:11 UTC
"You get hostaw!"

"I get....hot stuff?"


musesfool June 28 2010, 20:07:21 UTC
"You wewe vague, you wewe howstaw, you wewe bewwigewant!"


writingpathways June 28 2010, 20:36:06 UTC
dianora picked this exact episode for the same question I believe.


midnitemaraud_r June 28 2010, 23:08:12 UTC
That is probably my most favorite episode of television, ever! Between CJ's root canal ("woot canaw!" "Bwiefing!"), Danny totally pwning Josh ("You guys have been coddled..." "Okey dokey!" "Yes, Danny, we have a secret inflation plan."), Sam and Toby driving in Connecticut, poor Charlie, and Leo wanting to kill everyone (especially Josh!) - I've seen it so many times, and I still die laughing. Not to mention, how awesome was Edward James Olmos as Mendoza! I always wished he'd appeared in more episodes!

I think I may have to watch it again now, since I'm sitting here quoting it in my head! :-P


sasha_davidovna June 28 2010, 23:12:47 UTC
Yeah, if I had to pick my single favorite episode of any TV show ever, Celestial Navigation would probably be it. ♥


starfishchick June 29 2010, 01:32:23 UTC
Oh, Celestial Navigation, good call.


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