too long i've been afraid of losing love

Nov 11, 2009 23:02

They carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die. Grief, terror, love, longing-these were intangibles, but the intangibles had their own mass and specific gravity, they had tangible weight. They carried shameful memories. They carried the common secret of cowardice barely restrained, the instinct to run or freeze or hide, and in many ( Read more... )

tv: criminal minds, tv: dollhouse, pimping, joss, tim o'brien, tv: glee

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Comments 14

leavingslowly November 12 2009, 04:31:52 UTC
Didn't Joss Whedon also do Drive with Fox and have that canceled after like 6 episodes? I'm thinking he must be under development contract with them and gets so many pitches. I'm also thinking he's a one-hit wonder and isn't ever going to recapture the glory of Buffy/Angel.


musesfool November 12 2009, 04:42:56 UTC
Nathan Fillion was in Drive, but it wasn't a Joss show.

I think, in the end, Firefly might be my favorite of his shows? But Dollhouse did not impress me.


kismeteve November 12 2009, 04:51:00 UTC
The worst part, though, is that we're going to have to hear from crazy Joss fans about how persecuted he is. Which, whatever. He was dumb to go back into business with Fox after Firefly, but honestly the show was pretty dire most of the time.

I agree. I watched two episodes of Dollhouse, and was completely squicked. I'm shocked it got a full first season, let alone renewed.


musesfool November 12 2009, 05:12:58 UTC
I think it had some interesting ideas that were overshadowed by the squickiness and the show's inability to handle the knowledge that the premise was squicky, among other issues.


askmehow November 12 2009, 09:35:41 UTC
Gleeeeee! Kurt! Sue! Artie!!!!! I am all verklempt


musesfool November 12 2009, 14:38:49 UTC
I know! I cannot believe they made me sniffly over SUE. What the hell, show? What the hell?!


recrudescence November 12 2009, 13:52:32 UTC
I want to smother Kurt with hugs. And just plain smother Rachel.

Not sure if any vampire ep of anything can top the affection I have for Castle's. =)


musesfool November 12 2009, 14:39:36 UTC
Aw, I like Rachel. I just wish she'd stop making everything about her.

Not sure if any vampire ep of anything can top the affection I have for Castle's.

That's a good one, too, but Lie to Me is fantastic. all those wannabes meeting the real thing? Yeah.


recrudescence November 12 2009, 14:41:54 UTC
I don't remember there being a vampire ep of LtM, but I'm not totally up to date on the show. If something has Nathan Fillion frolicking around, though, that generally pushes it pretty high on my "like" list.


musesfool November 12 2009, 14:51:03 UTC
Oh, I meant the Buffy episode "Lie to Me," where Buffy's old friend Ford comes to town and stirs up the local goth population so he can get turned into a vampire. And then the goths meet actual vampires and it's not the happy fun times they were expecting.


deaver November 12 2009, 20:09:12 UTC
Wasn't Artie wonderful on Glee? His decision to give the pot cupcake money to build ramps rather than join the group even though joining is all he really wants? Gah. I wanted to squish him through the whole thing. I loved the "diva-off" not only because it made me love Kurt and his relationship with his Dad more but because Rachel remembered that, yes, she can be annoying. Even if she can't stop herself.

If they were going to give us 13 episodes of something and then cancel it, I would have much preferred Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Oh my goodness yes. Stupid Fox for picking the wrong show. And, while I think Joss is good at creating snappy dialogue, I'm not sure that any of his post-Buffy work has anything more than that. The emotional, action, and entertainment levels just aren't there. It's sad. Especially since I actually do mostly like his work. I just don't think he's all that and a cherry on top, you know?


musesfool November 13 2009, 04:24:13 UTC
Yeah, Artie was fantastic, as were Kurt and his dad.

I'm not sure that any of his post-Buffy work has anything more than that. The emotional, action, and entertainment levels just aren't there

Well, I actually love Firefly a lot. I think it may be the true show of my heart. But yeah, I'm not an acolyte at his altar, and it irritates me when his fans think he can do no wrong.


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