as serious as a hefty bag full of rottweilers

Aug 03, 2009 13:47

So there has been a lot of talk about The Middleman around LJ lately, and this LJ in particular, mostly because of the table read at Comic-Con and the release of the DVDs last week.

I'm sure some of you are asking, "What the heck is The Middleman?"

Ask no more!

Other people have done yeoman's work explaining just what The Middleman is and why it is AWESOME and YOU SHOULD TOTALLY WATCH IT. I am just going to piggyback on all their hard work and link:

corellianjedi's pimping post, which lays out the basic details of the show and the characters.

In a nutshell, The Middleman (played by Matt Keeslar) is a consultant who fixes exotic problems intra-, extra- and juxta-terrestrial. This means he deals with, among other things, aliens, ghosts (of the living!), tentacle monsters, mad scientists who want to take over the world, gun-toting apes, and zombies. The Middleman is an honest-to-god, square-jawed, gosh-darn hero.

The Middleman recruits visual artist Wendy Watson (played by Natalie Morales) to be his Middleman-in-training. Wendy is, in a word, AWESOME. She is a geek, a kickass chick, and an artist who saves the world in her own way, all while balancing her relationships with her best friends Lacey and Noser, and her romance with Tyler Ford.

I haven't even mentioned Ida or Sensei Ping (or the Wu Han Thumb of Death), but they are also of the AWESOME.

The show is wall-to-wall pop culture references (some too obscure even for me to get!), and while it is hilariously funny, it is also full of heart and hope, and the belief that one person can make a difference. It's also smart and sweet and emotionally involving, and I am kind of amazed it ever got on tv at all, let alone lasted for 12 episodes. I draw a million sparkly pink hearts around it.

taraljc offers 101 Reasons to love The Middleman and typicrobots provides a gorgeous picspam of the first episode.

Here are some clips that should hook you if the above links haven't:

* The Middleman's sayings
* The Obligatory Johnny Cash reference
* A series of PSAs that ABC Family aired to advertise the show:
     - Vampire Cows
     - Don't Play with Lasers, Phasers, and Ray Guns
     - Cheating
     - DNA
     - Cheating Mother Nature
     - Dinner time is family time

And, once you've finally given in to the AWESOME, you'll want to be able to watch the table read of the unfilmed 13th episode ("The Doomsday Armageddon Apocalypse") that the cast did at Comic-Con last weekend. You can find clips of it here. Viper Comics is also putting out a graphic novel of the 13th episode, though the only place I've seen it available for pre-order is, uh, Comics Infinity?

Lastly, The Middleman is a yuletide fandom, so there isn't a lot of fic, but there is some, and I've got some recs here.

Go watch! You won't regret it!


tv: middleman, pimping, youtube, links, fannishness

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