she will not fail us, if we do not fail her

Mar 20, 2009 23:44

Battlestar Galactica: Daybreak Part 2 ( Read more... )

starbuck is my tv girlfriend, tv: bsg

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Comments 52

lessthanpie March 21 2009, 03:52:36 UTC
Head!Six and head!Baltar are Aziraphale and Crowley. >_>

And yeah. That was just epic. *love*


musesfool March 21 2009, 04:00:10 UTC
Hee! Yes. For the frakking win!


tzikeh March 21 2009, 06:29:51 UTC
That was my very first thought. Seriously. OMG. To the point where I thought the show would end with Queen's Greatest Hits.


vulgarweed March 21 2009, 04:00:59 UTC
I was LAUGHING SO FRAKKING HARD because, months ago, on lower_tadfield, we were having one of those theoretical Good Omens movie casting discussions that come up like clockwork, and I got an inspiration to suggest James Callis.


dotificus March 21 2009, 03:54:05 UTC
I have to do a rewatch again soon too!

About the uplifting ending-- One of the reasons I loved it is because I wasn't expecting it from this show of all shows, and yet it worked. There they are with their awesome surprisingness again! It didn't feel made-up, or grafted on or fake in any way. SO SATISFYING. I don't know if you've read JRRT's essay about fairy tales and how the "happy ending" or what he refers to as eucatastrophe is crucial, but this ep of BSG made me think of that.

Do you know what Sam said as his last words? I didn't catch them.

I think yes, Kara is an angel too. And I loved that they just went for that-- the Head!people really are angels! Ha!


the_dala March 21 2009, 03:55:14 UTC
To Kara? Sam said "I'll see you on the other side." Unless he spoke again on the flight to the sun and I missed it.


"I'll see you on the other side." dotificus March 21 2009, 04:01:35 UTC
Thank you! I missed it because my stupid family came in and asked me a question even though I had forbidden them to speak to me between 9 and 11.


Re: "I'll see you on the other side." florahart March 21 2009, 07:04:37 UTC
Heh, yeah. Around 10:40, my 16 year old, whom I had told, "okay, between 9 and 11:11, my desire to be pestered in non-commercials is a ZERO on a scale of ONE TO FIVE MILLION," came out during a commercial and stood there quietly until I looked away from the TV. Then pointed and asked, "commercial?" before proceeding to talk.

*\o/* I have trained him well.


nyoka March 21 2009, 03:54:25 UTC
I'm so satisified right now. So frakking satisfied. One of my favorite show finales, ever. Hands down. Even though I've been crying for the past hour, lol.

Roslin made to lead her people to "Earth." Her and Bill's final scenes were so moving.

I loved when Caprica Six and Baltar realized both of them could see the Head!Caprica and Baltar. Those two had me giggling til the end. I liked Hera being Eve. And I really liked the 150,000 year coda. It was a nice touch -- and it made sense for them to bring it back here to "us." We evolved from the Half-human/Half-Cylons. LOL.

My pilots! The flashbacks that showed the broken way they started-- what a long, crazy trip it's been. I wanted them to settle down and have little babies. But it was not to be. I guess Starbuck was an Angel there in the need. But Lee turned into an idealistic explorer.

ILU KARA THRACE, YOU ARE MY TV GIRLFRIEND FOR EVER AND EVER! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ YOU WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN! *sob* OH KARA!EXACTLY. I might have stolen a page from Lee there and screamed "I LOVE YOU ( ... )


tzikeh March 21 2009, 06:32:19 UTC
Roslin made to lead her people to "Earth." Her and Bill's final scenes were so moving.

I was a wreck. However, the fact that she made it there proves my that my theory about the Galactica being the dying leader, and not Roslin, was correct. (And by "proves" I mean "totally justifies it for me and therefore I'm happy.) However, the Galactica as the Opera House? DID NOT SEE THAT COMING AND IT WAS AWESOME.


thebratqueen March 21 2009, 17:07:14 UTC
I was all HO. LEE. SHIT. when they showed the final five and merged it with the Opera House vision.


musesfool March 24 2009, 16:52:05 UTC
I might have stolen a page from Lee there and screamed "I LOVE YOU KARA THRACE" at the end of the show.

I think many of us did that. *g*

Roslin made to lead her people to "Earth." Her and Bill's final scenes were so moving.

I cried so much! I would stop during the fighting scenes, but then something would happen and I'd just start up again. Sigh.


the_dala March 21 2009, 03:54:25 UTC
I kept having to stop myself crying during commercials so that I could breathe through my nose.

I was so afraid Helo was going to die! And then he didn't and I was so happy! Although you KNOW Athena would be the one hunting and Karl would raise the crops.

And head!Six and head!Baltar were actually angels or messengers from god! Or whatever he likes to call himself.

*ahem* ITSELF ::grins:: The head!twins showing up was hilarious.

I still can't be coherent but in little patches.

Forgot - Lee Adama may have many faults, but in the end? Lee Adama is a Good Boy, and I love him.

(faults not thoughts, although he has those too. apologies for editing without full control of my own mental faculties)


musesfool March 24 2009, 16:53:08 UTC
I was so afraid Helo was going to die! And then he didn't and I was so happy! Although you KNOW Athena would be the one hunting and Karl would raise the crops.

Yes, to all of this.


vulgarweed March 21 2009, 04:04:37 UTC
I'm still reeling and stunned and crying and laughing. I have to admit, I was expecting "rocks fall, everyone dies." I'm glad it's so much more than that!

At first I thought the reveal of them becoming humanity's ancestors was kind of cheap and easy...and then, it hit me like a ton of bricks in the shower: the original BSG started out with a little monologue saying "There are those who believe that life here began out there, with tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians or the Toltecs or the Mayas..." (and how much of a geek child was I, that I can still recite it from memory?)


lessthanpie March 21 2009, 04:06:54 UTC
YES. Also, the use of the original theme song seeing the ships into the sun! That really got to me, because I was one of those geek children, too. :D


vulgarweed March 21 2009, 04:10:40 UTC
Oh lord yes. That hit me right THERE. *cry*

Poor, poor Bill. Lost both his ladies. And yet he sounded so oddly at peace at the end.


lessthanpie March 21 2009, 04:32:06 UTC
The "rag tag fugitive fleet" was my favorite part of that, and I don't recall anyone ever mentioning it (Even Bauxy got a shoutout, man.), but that was a good call back to that.

Adama manpain is epic manpain. For all time.


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