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Comments 25

madripoor_rose March 7 2009, 04:52:34 UTC
I was surprised at how much I liked tonight's TSCC, since I'm more interested in the T-1001/Catherine Weaver and John Henry plot.

Dollhouse, very meh. And with the thief's like about 'being the one doing the breaking or the one broken' repeated a couple of times before Echo's 'I'm not broken' I fear Joss thinks he's being subtle again.


musesfool March 9 2009, 15:37:02 UTC
Well, I think the thing with TSCC is that there was finally some movement somewhere. Riley actually was interesting before she died, and they remembered that Cameron should have a large role.

Dollhouse, very meh.



dotificus March 7 2009, 04:55:12 UTC
First, I have to admit BSG made me teary, which TV so rarely does. The Hera scenes killed me. I kept saying "Oh Boomer! Come ON, Boomer!" and other ridonkulous things to my television.

KARA JUST WANTS HER SAM BACK! -- this actually confuzzles me some. Maybe because I just gulped down the whole show, but I feel like she was very recently all "you? You're not really much to me." So I don't quite buy the Sam is SO vital to me now! stuff ( ... )


musesfool March 9 2009, 15:48:13 UTC
I have to admit BSG made me teary, which TV so rarely does. The Hera scenes killed me.

Well, you know I am an easy crier, but yeah, those scenes really got me. I hope Boomer finally does something of her own volition and rescues that little girl.

KARA JUST WANTS HER SAM BACK! -- this actually confuzzles me some. Maybe because I just gulped down the whole show, but I feel like she was very recently all "you? You're not really much to me." So I don't quite buy the Sam is SO vital to me now! stuff.Sam has always been more of a symbol to Kara, and she always wants him when she can't have him - when she thought he was dead on New Caprica, etc. So I think it's partly that, and also maybe she's finally realized that if she loves him, human or cylon doesn't really matter, because what he does is more important than what he is. Possibly because now she doesn't know what *she* is. So I think if this episode was really about acceptance in a lot of ways - accepting death, mostly - then this was Kara finally accepting Sam for what he is, and ( ... )


tsuki_no_bara March 7 2009, 05:08:52 UTC
i wanted kara to pop baltar in the face SO VERY BADLY. just a slap? c'mon, kara, you can do better than that. you WANT to do better than that. i liked her crack that he used to be a scientist, too. heh.

roslin and adama make me so happy. just... awww. but they're so sad. i'm guessing she dies in the finale, especially since it looks like they're going to get everyone and everything off the galactica and send her off too. both of adama's girls dying. :(

the intercut funeral scenes were really well done. still wanted baltar to shut up, tho.


musesfool March 9 2009, 15:50:38 UTC
i wanted kara to pop baltar in the face SO VERY BADLY. just a slap? c'mon, kara, you can do better than that. you WANT to do better than that.

hee! I've seen a couple of different theories about this - that she wanted him to blab, so the slap was just for form's sake, or, my favorite, that he's not even worth hitting with a closed fist.

roslin and adama make me so happy. just... awww. but they're so sad. i'm guessing she dies in the finale

Yeah, but probably he dies, too, so. At least they'll be together?


jehnt March 7 2009, 06:50:22 UTC
Also, I feel they are not quite balancing their ensemble very well.

Yes, this. Each episode leaves me wondering what several characters are up to. Like, Ellison wasn't in this one. Was he even in last week's? I can't remember. I feel like if we visited several different characters, then even if I am bored with the A-line plot, the B-line plot might still keep me interested. Instead it's recently been just one big glob.

And all the talk about being broken/not broken was more interesting when it was between Simon and River.

Say, THAT'S why that seemed familiar. And I have to admit that part of the reason I keep watching Dollhouse is because the confusion I have about it is similar in my mind to that which I had about the companions on Firefly. I'm hoping maybe in some way this show answers THOSE questions. Probably won't happen, but.

And where did the white paint come from after four years on the run?The last time we saw white paint was that creepy scene with Kara and Leoben... I kept expecting Leoben to pop out of nowhere and try ( ... )


musesfool March 9 2009, 16:01:54 UTC
I feel like if we visited several different characters, then even if I am bored with the A-line plot, the B-line plot might still keep me interested. Instead it's recently been just one big glob.

*nod nod*

And if I felt like 1. the writers knew where they were going, and 2. the show wasn't going to be cancelled, I might have more patience, but right now I am not confident about either of those things. So I would like the story to move forward, instead of splashing around in Sarah's subconscious for three episodes. I am not even saying take the focus off of Sarah; I'm just saying let her interact with the rest of the cast more, instead of sending her off alone to interact with one-offs we haven't seen before and won't be seeing again.

Say, THAT'S why that seemed familiar.

And it was AWESOME on Firefly. "You gave up everything you had to find me, and you found me broken." "Everything I have is right here." *sniff* Not so much with Dollhouse.

I kept expecting Leoben to pop out of nowhere and try to take Adama on the floor. I also ( ... )


delle March 7 2009, 07:10:48 UTC
I wanted Kara to PUNCH Baltar, not give him a girly slap.

still don't know what Kara is and I wonder if they're ever going to answer it, or explain her shiny!shiny! Viper.

loved the kara/lee scene, but then I am a unr repentant, unredeemable Lee/Kara girl (see icon)

I kinda thought the Bill=breaks=down=with=paint scene was overwrought and (dare I say it?) somewhat self-indulgent of Eddie Olmos. But it was a lovely, lovely scene between Adama and Tigh at the end.

NEXT WEEK! OMG! (I'm starting to think Lee is going to take out Baltar. did you catch the Looks of Death he was giving Baltar, both tonight and in the preview?)

Oh, show. What will I do without you?


musesfool March 9 2009, 16:26:44 UTC
I wanted Kara to PUNCH Baltar, not give him a girly slap.

Me, too, but I am clinging to the idea that she thinks he isn't worthy to be hit like an equal.

I kinda thought the Bill=breaks=down=with=paint scene was overwrought and (dare I say it?) somewhat self-indulgent of Eddie Olmos. But it was a lovely, lovely scene between Adama and Tigh at the end.

yeah, I'm willing to roll my eyes through another Bill-breaks-down scene because that final scene with Tigh really was awesome.

I'm starting to think Lee is going to take out Baltar. did you catch the Looks of Death he was giving Baltar, both tonight and in the preview

I would totally be okay with that. I really hope Baltar doesn't get any kind of reprieve or redemption. He's always been a narcissistic - if self-aware - weasel, and he should go out that way.


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