she was a grand old lady

Mar 06, 2009 23:40

Sarah Connor Chronicles

Okay, I knew Riley was gonna buy it, but I didn't expect it to go quite like that. On the one hand, Jesse is the more interesting character, so I'm glad she didn't get killed. On the other, I really would have liked John to press Riley for some answers. I feel like they have all this information laid out in front of them if they just knew where to look and what questions to ask, and every time an episode ends without them gaining any information, it makes me a little crazy. Also, I feel they are not quite balancing their ensemble very well. At least this week there was more Cameron. Not enough Derek, though.

I know this sounds like I didn't enjoy the episode, but I did. And I know it's Sarah's name in the show's title. I would just like even more of her interacting with the core cast of characters than they have been giving us.



That should have been right up my alley, but except for the very beginning where Sierra joined Echo and Victor for lunch, I really didn't care. Yawn. I think I possibly like Sierra more than Echo. Also, I feel like Reed Diamond needs a lot more to do. He's capable of so much more and he's basically carrying water for the bosslady. Who is apparently not the head honcho after all. Yawn. Maybe he could kill the geeky dude. He annoys me and skeeves me in equal measure. Ugh. And all the talk about being broken/not broken was more interesting when it was between Simon and River.


Battlestar Galactica: "Islanded in a Stream of Stars"

ILU KARA THRACE! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


I KNEW THEY'D HOOK HIM UP TO THE SHIP! not that I think it'll save either him or Galactica in the end, but if it gets the job done for the moment, that's good enough. Oh, Galactica... I was all sniffly over her at the end. It's like losing Serenity, or the Impala. GALACTICA!

I am not a Kara/Lee shipper (I tend towards Kara/Sam) but I thought that was a really sweet moment between them at the memorial wall, and I am superglad they didn't actually kiss. Her wide sad smile breaks my heart. Oh, Kara. ♥ ♥ ♥ (Also, what's up with Lee's hair?)

I also love that she was just going to put him out of her misery, and that's what jolted him awake.

Roslin and Adama - she kept the joint from their day on New Caprica. He read to her. They make me all heart-clenchy! I am a little tired of Bill Adama's man pain. I guess now we know where Lee gets it from.

I kind of loved Caprica Six telling Baltar off. I kind of want someone (Kara!) to put a bullet in his brainpan. His speechifying really irritates me, though it was nice to see him get back in the lab, even if he then turned around and acted like a dumbass and blurted Kara's secret to the world. I've seen spec that she's an angel - isn't that what head!Six claimed to be? - but I don't think so.

I also liked the intercutting of the three funeral ceremonies, though I still want to pop Baltar in the mouth when he's sermonizing. I wish Kara had hit him harder. I loved the scene of the two of them in the head. Heh.

I love that Saul has totally regressed into his old self, and he has no doubts that he wants to be at Bill's side, on the Galactica, rather than being the grandaddy of the cylon race.

Oh, Hera. I cried when she was crying, and I really hope Boomer gets the redemptive death saving her. Poor Helo. Of course, he was all wrapped up in his own pain, wanting Athena to tell him she hated him, rather than being there for her while she was breaking.

Speaking of, where the hell is Chief? And where did the white paint come from after four years on the run?

*waves hands*

That last scene of Bill and Saul toasting the old grey lady. *sob*



I was CAPSLOCKING to snacky on AIM again, all, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT, SHOW!"

I love how often BSG does that to me. I am very tired, so I am sure I'm missing a lot of stuff, but man, I am going to miss this show when it ends. I can't believe there are only two hours left.



So new boss was pleased with my first cut at minutes (E: "You've eased my mind considerably." Me: "They're okay?" E: "They're fine. I'll have edits, of course." Me: "Of course." E: "But overall, I'm pleased." Me: \o/) though I am quite sure I will be getting them back covered in red ink. I'm just glad I was in the ballpark of what she wanted. When you're new, it's hard to tell what they consider important when the discussions happen, you know? But the heavy lifting is done. Whew.

I am exhausted, so I am probably just going to go to bed soon. Mmm... Bed/Vic=OTP!


tv: dollhouse, tv: sarah connor chronicles, starbuck is my tv girlfriend, tv: bsg, work

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