like a sinner before the gates of heaven

Nov 21, 2008 11:55

I keep thinking of things I want to post about and then forgetting them, and then I got my period this morning, and realized, ah, that's why my brain has been wonky all week. Joy ( Read more... )

tv: heroes, tv: supernatural: episode-related, links, on spoilers, tv: general, don't make me shoot you

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Comments 16

jaydecrow November 21 2008, 17:04:52 UTC
So it doesn't make me a bad person for thinking that after all the torture maybe, maybe, maybe with sprinkles on top, Ruby would have to shed the current meatsuit and find another coma patient and then we could have a brand new actress?

Because Genny is better, she is really, but I just can't get over 'it's cosmic.' I try, and try but I'm just not that good a person to be able to.

And I am so glad I'm not the only one who saw the whole Stardust thing. Unfortunately, I don't think Anna can come back and have more sex with Dean; being re-angelfied means a) she has risen above earthly desires and b) she is now neuter. At least, that's what I was taught about angels.

But I would so be okay with some post-Hell Dean/Bela ( never did get angry all sex) or post-Anna healing Dean/Pam.


musesfool November 21 2008, 17:15:36 UTC
So it doesn't make me a bad person for thinking that after all the torture maybe, maybe, maybe with sprinkles on top, Ruby would have to shed the current meatsuit and find another coma patient and then we could have a brand new actress?

Heh. I don't think so. I wish they'd get someone better, but I have a sad feeling we're stuck with her this season.

Unfortunately, I don't think Anna can come back and have more sex with Dean; being re-angelfied means a) she has risen above earthly desires and b) she is now neuter. At least, that's what I was taught about angels.

So it appears, though I wouldn't say Castiel is quite as above it all as he's supposed to be, given some of the looks he was giving Dean last night. And I don't even like Dean/Castiel.

But I would so be okay with some post-Hell Dean/Bela ( never did get angry all sex) or post-Anna healing Dean/Pam.

I am up for either - both! - of those!


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musesfool November 21 2008, 17:14:06 UTC
Heh. That was the spoiler for last year's Christmas episode!

And I was never that emotionally invested in Heroes, but I enjoyed the first season, and Kring is just a tool.


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musesfool November 21 2008, 21:46:09 UTC
I'm sure we'll get them eventually.


writingpathways November 21 2008, 17:14:36 UTC
I still wanna know how Dean didn't know Dick Van Dyke because I just don't buy it.

As for Spoilers, I read interviews, TV Guide Blurbs, EW blurbs -- but no sides, and don't watch the preview clips that are around unless I get really weak for SPN. I may be weak come Jan. LOL. Mostly, I find that when I really love a show, I love it all the more the less I know going in and with what I am willing to check out, I know enough as it is because I'm good at guessing.

Part of me is tempted to see just how stupid Kring is, because God has he screwed Heroes. But another part of me just doesn't care -- my natural curiosity may win out though.


writingpathways November 21 2008, 17:23:41 UTC
I caved. I read the Kring article. Dear lord! What a moron! He has no understanding whatsoever of characterization. No wonder I lost my love for Heroes.


musesfool November 21 2008, 17:25:04 UTC
Yeah, he's an idiot.


musesfool November 21 2008, 17:24:22 UTC
I generally don't mind the preview clips, though last season I didn't watch them for most of the season. I do like to be mostly unspoiled, but it varies.


cereta November 21 2008, 17:26:22 UTC
That was a point that came up in a recent thread I had about spoilers: that so often, we're not so much at odds with other fans as we are with the industry. We don't want to know that Character X is leaving the show, and meanwhile, every commercial break has, "Tune is for X's last episode!" And you've hit it exactly: it's marketing for them.


musesfool November 21 2008, 17:35:13 UTC
Yes! It was your LJ where I recently saw a similar conversation. I couldn't remember, and then I totally forgot to go looking. Oh, my brain.

But yes, we like to be surprised, but certain milestone-y things they like to promote because they do bring in casual and/or former viewers, and there's never going to be a solution with this model of network tv, because they're still a business.


zooey_glass04 November 21 2008, 19:39:46 UTC
It's funny, I was thinking something about the odd nature of spoilers the other day. I get my SPN through the magic internet fairies, on account of being on the wrong side of the pond to watch it live on tee-vee. It so happens that the previews never get included on these copies, so I don't wacth them. As a result, I definitely treat previews as spoilers, and won't click into a post which discusses them. But if I was watching on live tv, there's no way I'd turn it off before the previews kicked in. So... I don't know what this proves, except that spoilers in the age of the internet are a strange beast.

Bela revolt in hell, that would be awesome! When Sam told Dean that anyone else wouldn't have held out so long, I was so curious to know if he'd seen Bela and how long she'd held out.

I always pretty much agree with your show metaing, haha :D


musesfool November 21 2008, 21:19:39 UTC
Yeah, I just - I think the networks sometimes do overshow stuff in the promos, but they also sometimes give too much information in the previouslies, and I just can't be that on top of when I turn the tv on or off. And also, I like getting a taste of what's coming, but not too much!

I think that is the issue - how much is a nice taste and how much is too much? Especially because if you're fannish, chances are, you've ingested a fair amount of media in one form or another, so you don't need a whole lot of clues to guess how something is probably going to go down. It's like, you see the gun on the wall in the promo and know someone is going to get shot. When I saw the trickster in the promo for Mystery Spot, I knew that's what the MOTW was going to be. Etc.

Bela revolt in hell, that would be awesome!


When Sam told Dean that anyone else wouldn't have held out so long, I was so curious to know if he'd seen Bela and how long she'd held out. Not too long, I bet. Though possibly her torture was different, and she wasn't given ( ... )


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