what i see, i believe

Aug 02, 2008 14:55

bits and bobs and bullet points

  • I was poking around in s2expressive and I found the bit of CSS to increase the font size on journal entries, and also how to make visited links a different color, but now I am not sure I want the latter. I dunno. On some things I like having the visited links a different color, but on other things I don't.
  • I also found, via minervacat' ( Read more... )

tv: supernatural, redecorating, writing: pov, tv: bones, my flist knows everything, fic ideas, shopping

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Comments 19

dotfic August 2 2008, 19:35:14 UTC
On your third bullet point: If there are enough of us feeling like the odd women out, then that maybe makes us not odd women out.

Everything I'm hearing about season 4 has me excited about it. Which doesn't mean it will live up to expectation, but right now the chances look good. Anyway, I'd like to go into season 4 and process it with less worrying on my part about how fandom is reacting and more understanding my own reactions. Because this isn't an oh well wasn't that fun show for me. It mashes my buttons all the time (and sometimes it mashes them WRONG). But at the same time, a big part of enjoying SPN is interacting with other fans. So how to balance the two.


musesfool August 2 2008, 19:57:30 UTC
Hee! Yes. I think the key is trying to find the others feeling that way, but also, sometimes you really are just going, "Huh? Really?" even amid people who generally share your POV.

And yeah, I can shake off other shows without a problem - I didn't like Heroes' record on race or gender, so I'm planning on giving it a miss this year; I can pick it up later on if I hear it's improved - but I'm seriously emotionally invested in SPN, so I have to deal with both my feelings about the show itself and where it hurts me in the bad way to watch it, and also with how to negotiate fandom's reactions to those things. Mostly by not leaving my flist, but even that can be fraught on occasion.


dotfic August 2 2008, 20:14:11 UTC
With your own flist, you know something about the fans outside of the context of SPN, what other things they're into, and if they've been there a while, how they're likely to react to things. So it's easier to navigate.

I'm seriously emotionally invested in SPN, so I have to deal with both my feelings about the show itself and where it hurts me in the bad way to watch it

Yes. I think the climate in SPN fandom in general got inhospitable to both criticizing of the show and squeeing about it. Which kind of makes it awkward. When really people need to be able to react however they need to without some fan over in some other LJ denouncing that reaction. ETA: Not that anyone has to pay attention to the other posts, or that I mean people shouldn't be making rebuttal posts. Augh, see, I don't even know! *slinks off*

Cut tags were invented for a reason. I think it can be hard when you know most of your flist (or fandom) is reacting a certain way and you just don't see it or feel differently.


musesfool August 2 2008, 20:22:21 UTC
Heh. Yes. I was gonna say, people can say whatever they like in their own LJs; I just have to be ready to deal with when I feel someone I like/respect/etc. is egregiously wrong. Also, I think it's the overall atmosphere that can be difficult to handle, and I try really hard to ignore most other people, which, well, okay, I try to do that anyway. But yeah, it's harder when it's the people you generally feel like are on the same wavelength and suddenly you are pinging at a different frequency, as it were. To really stretch a metaphor.


deirdre_c August 2 2008, 19:55:14 UTC
For me, that vid is like inserting an IV and injecting the first three seasons directly into my bloodstream. Man, I am SUCH a sucker for a talent for combining visual movement and beat with the ultra-quick cut. *happy dance*


musesfool August 2 2008, 20:08:09 UTC
*nod nod*

It was a little dizzy-making, but man, it made me want to rewatch the whole show RIGHT NOW!


_doodle August 2 2008, 20:31:10 UTC

I have Bring on the Wonder somewhere on one of my hard-drives. I'll have a look for it and upload it for you sometime tomorrow, when I'm less drunk and more capable of finding things :)


musesfool August 2 2008, 20:35:57 UTC
Cool! Thanks.


gnatkip August 2 2008, 20:49:41 UTC
On visited links: I'm not sure this is what you mean, but it is possible to have visited links one color on one section of your lj, and a different color (the same color as the regular link color, whatever) on a different section of your lj.


musesfool August 2 2008, 21:39:33 UTC
I know it's possible, though I don't know how to do it myself. I am not sure yet where I do and don't want them to be different, though. It is a puzzlement. *g*


storydivagirl August 2 2008, 22:54:35 UTC
I don't have the Bones soundtrack, but I do have that Susan Enan song.



musesfool August 2 2008, 23:10:19 UTC
Awesome. Thank you so much!


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