what i see, i believe

Aug 02, 2008 14:55

bits and bobs and bullet points

  • I was poking around in s2expressive and I found the bit of CSS to increase the font size on journal entries, and also how to make visited links a different color, but now I am not sure I want the latter. I dunno. On some things I like having the visited links a different color, but on other things I don't.
  • I also found, via minervacat's del.icio.us (and geez, they removed the periods after I finally got used to typing it that way), this script that makes the links bold and visited links purple. There I like that the visited links are a different color. I am not sure why it's different in my own LJ.
  • I am only mildly spoiled for S4 of SPN (please don't share anything because you don't know what I already know, and I don't want to be spoiled beyond the level I already am), but I really like what I am hearing so far. I have a lot of thoughts about negotiating SPN fandom and my feelings about it (both the fandom and the show, separately and together), but those are muddled and probably best left unposted atm. I also have thoughts about being in fandom in general, and what happens when you are the odd woman out in the place where you thought you would always fit in, and stuff. because I think most of us feel that way at one time or another, whether it's regarding a specific thing in canon, a story or character or pairing that everyone loves (or hates) and you don't, or whatever, and sometimes it comes as a real shocker, especially if you've never been on that side of it before. I am still thinking about that
  • In the comments to my post last night (and who are all the people who picked "says"? You are all WRONG!), deirdre_c linked to this vid to "Two Tribes," and it makes me want to rewatch all of SPN ASAP and makes me want September to be here NOW.
  • I am contemplating the Bones/SPN crossover, and I kind of know what I want the plot to be (though the details are yet to be worked out *sigh*), but I feel like it probably needs to be from the POV of a Bones character, and I am totally not comfortable with that. I mean, it's true that the first story I write in a fandom is sometimes a crossover, but I usually try to stick with the POV I'm more comfortable with, i.e., one I have written before. (the first SPN story I wrote was a crossover, but from Sam's POV. Of course, the other character in that story is someone I'd never written before either, so it was a tossup, and it needed to be in Sam's POV to work.) But for this to work, I think it almost has to be a Bones character as the POV person. Unless I bring Henriksen in, and he can straddle both worlds, and I could write from his POV? Hmmm...
  • Speaking of Bones crossovers, I still want that Bones/XF crossover, and I think that might have to be from Booth's POV. There, I haven't written in either fandom, and my grasp of XF canon is tenuous at best, but based on viewing the movie last week, I could probably manage Scully. Hmm...
  • Still speaking of Bones, I discovered the names of a couple of the songs used on the show that I liked, but they don't appear to be available from iTunes. I am specifically thinking of "Bring on the Wonder" by Susan Enan f. Sarah McLachlan. I can't remember which song it was in the pilot I liked, so I might have to rewatch. Possibly it was the one at the end. Anyone got a Bones soundtrack they can share? It's funny how this show is totally my happy place right now, without any fannish baggage attached. Even the season 3 finale didn't mess that up. I love the characters, but I am not actively fannish about it, though obviously I am not opposed to seeing those characters meet other characters I love, nor am I opposed to reading good Bones/Booth fic.
  • My box from LUSH came today. Sigh. The whole retro-LUSH thing killed me. I mean, I had a gift certificate or two, so I didn't spend too much, but more than I expected to. But! Slammer! Back for Breakfast! How could I resist? Plus I got another bottle of Olive Branch, which I adore. I foresee a lot of showers in my future. I'd forgotten Red Rooster smells like red hots. Also, the free sample of godmother soap smells LIKE HEAVEN like candy. I can't quite pin it down - strawberry laces, maybe? Happy childhood? Something like that.


tv: supernatural, redecorating, writing: pov, tv: bones, my flist knows everything, fic ideas, shopping

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