I'm old. I'm supposed to be colorful.

Jul 23, 2008 21:19

I have two goals for the weekend. Two.

1. finish my spn_summergen story
2. finish watching Mad Men season 1 before the s2 premiere on Sunday


RIP Estelle Getty.

I still think a Golden Girls Crossover Ficathon Extravaganza would be AWESOME. Someone should do that.

And while we're on the subject, sort of, GILFy Pleasures. While there are a few choices I'd quibble with, overall, it is an awesome list.


This is a great post about all the different types of feedback and how we engage with each other. I really like how she defines her terms:

Concrit is different than commentary is different than review is different than recommendation, and all of these are different than flaming.

Yes. That.


to do lists, links

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