upon their chariots and their charioteers

Mar 21, 2008 12:28

Because she loves me, and because PI(E) = LOVE (and also 3.14), luzdeestrellas wrote Pi for me! It is Sam and Dean being adorkable and brotherly and SO FREAKING CUTE I COULD DIE. PI(E ( Read more... )

life, links, pie = love, recs, i am okay with that!

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Comments 32

marginalia March 21 2008, 16:33:54 UTC
i'm now a recovering catholic, but when i was still attending mass i preferred the easter vigil, even though it was longer. for one thing it wasn't nearly as crowded. but it also had awesome ritualistic stuff, like processing into the church all together as a congregation, getting candles that were lit from person to person until the light spread throughout, and the litany of saints.

this year, though, i'll be at a roller derby bout during prime vigil time. so be it :)


musesfool March 21 2008, 16:42:34 UTC
Well, I liked the vigil before they added the confirmations/baptisms etc. I just have no patience for sitting still that long. I can barely manage a three hour movie, either.


marginalia March 21 2008, 16:44:46 UTC
the parish i went to had that all along, at least for the rcia folks. i make it through long movies no problem, though :)


musesfool March 21 2008, 16:51:24 UTC
Yeah, mine didn't add it in until much later, and I am fidgety enough already. That was kind of a deal-breaker for me.


sadcypress March 21 2008, 16:42:27 UTC
You have articulated exactly why I continue to love and identify myself with the Catholic church. I'm also with you on Good Friday services, although speaking as someone who DID have her feet washed once on Holy Thursday, I see it now as a beautiful and humbling ritual. Good Friday high five! o/\o


musesfool March 21 2008, 16:50:45 UTC

*high fives*


(The comment has been removed)

musesfool March 21 2008, 16:58:26 UTC
I don't think it's wrong, 'cause they were just doing their job, except their job was kind of to keep the slaves from escaping, so...it sucks for them to be caught up in God's showmanship, but I can't really be on board with their goal in that instance.


trinity_clare March 21 2008, 16:57:45 UTC
I was the ringleader of Holy Week all through high school at my church. Head altar server on Holy Thursday (organizing the footwashing is a bitch), cantor for the Easter Vigil, everything. I'd be at church 4 hours a day helping decorate and putting all the little candles in their candleholders for the Vigil Mass. I miss that. *sigh* Now I live in a place where everyone is Lutheran and the nearest Catholic church is 40 minutes away.

At the Easter vigil we always did musical arrangements of the first three readings, and the one from Exodus had a really distinctive repetitive line so that everyone who talks about it says, "You know, the one about the chariots and charioteers..." It was fantastic.


musesfool March 21 2008, 17:12:30 UTC
Now I live in a place where everyone is Lutheran and the nearest Catholic church is 40 minutes away.

I can't even fathom that.

the one from Exodus had a really distinctive repetitive line so that everyone who talks about it says, "You know, the one about the chariots and charioteers..." It was fantastic.

hee! I totally believe it.


trinity_clare March 21 2008, 17:19:37 UTC
Yep, that's Minnesota for you. All those Norwegians. What's funny is that the Catholic congregation is about 1/4 Irish and 3/4 every Hispanic family in a 20 mile radius.


musesfool March 21 2008, 17:25:29 UTC
Of course it is. Heh.


ulkis March 21 2008, 16:58:41 UTC
And also, as a child, I was quite scandalized and traumatized at the veneration of the cross, where people would line up to kiss the feet of the crucifix. Thinking about it now, it STILL creeps me out. *shudder*

Oh me too. When I was a kid I was so creeped out and everyone in my family would be like "why?" so it's nice to know other people felt that way. Plus, I also find it quite germ-tastic now, what with everyone kissing the same spot and all.

I don't know who thought soft adult contemporary was a good style for religious music, but they should be taken out back and shot.

I went to church last night though for the first time (for a non Christmas/Easter occasion) in a while and would like to think it counts as about 10 masses, cause it was an hour and a half. *g* But the music was especially nice - lots of bells and latin. And I like going to Easter mass just for the pleasure of hearing the Easter sequence. I think it's the most beautiful song I've heard in church.


musesfool March 21 2008, 17:22:46 UTC
You are not alone!

Plus, I also find it quite germ-tastic now, what with everyone kissing the same spot and all.

Ew! I know! That's also why I never take wine with communion.

But the music was especially nice - lots of bells and latin.

That does sound nice.


bexone March 21 2008, 17:47:48 UTC
That's also why I never take wine with communion

I always just figured that the alcohol in the wine dealt with any lingering germs nicely. Of course, my family parish favors a particularly sweet, heavily alcoholic wine, only slightly watered, so your mileage may vary. *G*


ulkis March 21 2008, 18:19:23 UTC
Some masses I've gone to, they used to dip the host into the wine and give it to people like that instead. I'd like to think there was something significant about doing that, but it was done probably just to speed up the line. :)


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