fic: The Love There That's Sleeping (HP; Sirius/Remus)

Jul 15, 2007 12:16

OMG you guys! I've had this story lingering around my hard drive for more than three years, two sections short of an ending. And last weekend, I said to myself, Self, you need to have fic to post for your birthday, and none of the other things you've got are near done! And then I said, this is probably your last chance to post HP fic before Deathly ( Read more... )

remus, fic: hp.1, sirius/remus:mwpp-era, sirius

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Comments 109

inksheddings July 15 2007, 16:57:02 UTC
This is lovely. I've always liked stories in which one of them is pining, and your Sirius pines so beautifully. :D I'm so glad you finished and posted this, I truly enjoyed it. (And Happy Birthday!)


musesfool July 24 2007, 15:26:41 UTC
Thank you! MWPP-era Sirius doesn't get to pine quite as often, so it's nice to see him do it once in a while. *g*


mermaid4fic July 15 2007, 16:59:50 UTC
Ohhhh, how lovely. I really liked the music motif (and you picked such a great song), and the way they're both uncertain and boy-like, and that Remus is so much more articulate than Sirius. I adore kissing stories, and you do it so well.

Finally, happy birthday! You write such wonderful stories, and so many of them, and at such a prodigious rate. Really, you should be showered with gifts and gratitude, rather than giving us a present!


musesfool July 24 2007, 15:28:08 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it, and especially happy that the music motif worked, especially that particular song, which I love.

I adore kissing stories, and you do it so well.

hee! Thank you. I do too. I think a large percentage of my stories end with kissing.

Really, you should be showered with gifts and gratitude, rather than giving us a present!

And thanks again. I did get some lovely fic and stuff, so it all works out.


athenejen July 15 2007, 17:01:37 UTC
Oh! That was lovely. There is something about Sirius that's so endearing when he's struggling with something, perhaps because he's so confident the rest of the time. And Remus+music makes so much sense to me. Wonderful!

Also, happy birthday! I hope you have a excellent day, as sweet as that last kiss.


musesfool July 24 2007, 15:34:37 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it. And yeah, Sirius being out of his depth is always enjoyable, I think, precisely because he usually is so confident.


rhiannon_jehane July 15 2007, 17:08:03 UTC
Oh, this is lovely.

*happy sigh*

Have a wonderful birthday, btw!


musesfool July 24 2007, 15:34:57 UTC
Thank you!


mizzmarvel July 15 2007, 17:16:14 UTC
I love this song, and I love this story. It's wonderful to see Sirius be the doubting, uncertain one, even as he puts on his requisite air of bravado. Beautiful work.

(And happy birthday!)


musesfool July 24 2007, 15:35:22 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it.


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