fic: The Love There That's Sleeping (HP; Sirius/Remus)

Jul 15, 2007 12:16

OMG you guys! I've had this story lingering around my hard drive for more than three years, two sections short of an ending. And last weekend, I said to myself, Self, you need to have fic to post for your birthday, and none of the other things you've got are near done! And then I said, this is probably your last chance to post HP fic before Deathly ( Read more... )

remus, fic: hp.1, sirius/remus:mwpp-era, sirius

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Comments 109

madeline871 July 15 2007, 17:38:46 UTC
Yay for long lost fic!

Have a Happy Birthday as well.


musesfool July 24 2007, 15:35:36 UTC
Thank you!


amberlynne July 15 2007, 17:50:27 UTC
Yay! Pretty boys pining prettily!

It vibrated through him like music and he never wanted it to stop.

Awesome, awesome last line. *sighs dreamily*


musesfool July 24 2007, 15:49:48 UTC
Thank you! And thanks for all your help and encouragement while I was writing.


ignipes July 15 2007, 17:59:14 UTC
Happy Birthday to you!

And: Awww, boys! I love it when they pine for each other, especially when it all ends in kissing. This is so sweet and lovely.


musesfool July 24 2007, 15:50:07 UTC
Thank you so much!


obsessivemuch July 15 2007, 18:09:50 UTC
It's absolutely gorgeous and just what I needed after OotP.

Happy birthday!


musesfool July 24 2007, 15:50:29 UTC
Thanks so much!


elsane July 15 2007, 18:13:32 UTC
It's wonderful to see hp fic from you! I loved the slow build of the phonograph sessions, and the way Remus and Sirius know each other very well. The ending was wonderful, and I particularly liked The song faded to its end, replaced by the hiss and bump of the needle, a sound Sirius would always associate with hope and heartbreak.

Happy birthday! But next year you should really have people write fic for you.


musesfool July 24 2007, 15:53:20 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it, and thought it felt like them.

But next year you should really have people write fic for you.

Oh, they do. Believe me, they do. *g*


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