but i used a little too much force

Jun 26, 2007 11:17

There was fic last night!

The Calendar Hung Itself
Supernatural; Dean/Sam (Dean/Ellen, Dean/OFC); adult; spoilers through AHBL2; 10,810 words
Being an accounting of the souvenirs collected on the Dean Winchester farewell tour of America.I am really happy with how this story turned out - it's almost exactly what I wanted it to be when I had the ( Read more... )

i won't read your fic if, memes: fannish, bruce, fannishness

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Comments 54

thistlerose June 26 2007, 15:25:13 UTC
I don't even read posts on my flist with tiny type anymore. Hell, I won't comments on my own journal in tiny type. I have bad eyes and I'm ornery.

It's so weird, but I hardly care about Remus/Tonks anymore. It's wrong and all, but I feel so blase about most things HP-related. Not that I'm not looking forward to the seventh book.

Like you, I just want Ron to live and the ensuing wank to be entertaining. (And I want Sirius back, but that's not going to happen. *sulk*)


musesfool June 26 2007, 15:31:32 UTC
I don't really have anyone on my flist who does it, though there are people who code in the font, which I just do not get. but when I click on a link to a story and it's teeny tiny even with ?style=mine on? I just click right back out. Obviously they don't care about my eyes on their story.

It's so weird, but I hardly care about Remus/Tonks anymore. It's wrong and all, but I feel so blase about most things HP-related. Not that I'm not looking forward to the seventh book.

I am mostly like that? But I know when I run into in the book - the R/T I mean - I will probably loathe it, because I don't think she can rescue it from the mess that was the hospital scene, or Tonks's behavior in book 6 (unless it was a huge red herring; we'll see).

And sadly, no, I don't think Sirius will be back, except as some kind of portrait or something. Sigh. But if Ron dies, I will have some very strong words for Ms. Rowling.


(The comment has been removed)

musesfool June 26 2007, 15:34:00 UTC
Yeah, I don't think Hermione's in any danger of dying at all. Ron, though, I worry about Ron.


deslea June 27 2007, 04:18:15 UTC
Yeah, I worry about Ron too. It would be so temptingly easy for her to make him Harry's sacrificial lamb.


musesfool June 27 2007, 13:40:56 UTC
It would! Or Neville, and I don't want him to die either!


lunaris1013 June 26 2007, 15:51:36 UTC
I don't get the penchant for hard coding fonts into LJ posts - be they stories or not. Okay, I get the occasional 36pt "happy birthday" or a small-type footnote or aside (or the long-ass legal-eeze disclaimer used in my fandom). But dude, if I wanted to read things in Times New Roman, I'd have made that my flist default. As it stands, I fucking loathe TNR on a computer screen because all those serifs make my eyes bleed. I don't want it force-fed to me.


Bruce! Back in the pre-internet days when I was buying bootlegs and fanzines in the Midwest, it seemed like those Meadowlands shows were the holy grail. Of course, by the time I got to see a show there it was Continental Airlines Arena and he had long since stopped doing marathons. But it was still a hometown crowd and that made a big difference!


musesfool June 26 2007, 16:01:16 UTC
yeah, I do footnotes sometimes or asides in small type, and I use a different font to differentiate when I do the commentaries on my stories, but the rest of it baffles me.

f I wanted to read things in Times New Roman, I'd have made that my flist default.

Exactly. And it doesn't add anything to the reading experience. It's not like they're scanning in handwritten things or something, where it might have relevance to a story.

it seemed like those Meadowlands shows were the holy grail.

Yeah, that first one was pretty marathon, from what I recall. Of course, at the time, I had nothing to compare it to, and it's a pretty high standard for any artist to meet. But it was awesome. The shows at the Garden were great too, but even though it's huge and impersonal, there's something about seeing him at Giants Stadium that was really amazing.


jlh June 26 2007, 15:54:24 UTC
I've always thought Ron was going to die, even before I'd read the books. When all the press came out about book GoF, and I hadn't read them yet, I thought the one who would die in that book was Ron. But reading OotP and HBP really clinched it for me. I hope I'm wrong though.

I don't think the end wedding will be Lupin/Tonks though; neither strike me as the big ceremony type.

As for hard coding font, I always hardcode courier for things like text messages.


musesfool June 26 2007, 16:03:45 UTC
*puts hands over ears*

I can't hear you. la la la rain of blood and toads la la la

I don't think the end wedding will be Lupin/Tonks though; neither strike me as the big ceremony type.

Well, I mean it more in the sense of the wrap up she's allegedly going to give us, though I think if they did get married (urk) it'd be a desperate wartime wedding, small and quiet.

As for hard coding font, I always hardcode courier for things like text messages.

How do you mean? Within the text of your entry, if you're quoting a text message, you change the font? That makes sense I guess. I do that when I do the dvd commentaries on my stories, to differentiate. But for the most part, I find it irritating.


jlh June 26 2007, 16:20:40 UTC
Oh, yeah, the wrap up. I suppose? If they both survive, and I don't mean that ominously; I have no prediction there. I'm not actually a predicty type. Though speaking of which, did you see the essay about how Ron is going to die because he's like a unicorn? AWESOME.

If I have two characters that are texting back and forth I put the text itself in courier. You can see that here. I find that quotation marks don't make any sense, and since Ryan uses netspeak and Simon certainly does not I want to have it look like an actual text, and courier is a good font for denoting "something that is typewritten". Also, it's a font everyone has so I don't have to worry about it getting messed up.

I don't really understand why someone wants to force you to read their font for an entire story. That's pretty irritating and strangely controlling.


musesfool June 26 2007, 16:37:30 UTC
I'm not a predicty type either; I'm just trying to prepare myself for the worst.

If I have two characters that are texting back and forth I put the text itself in courier.


That makes sense. But for a whole story it's really just irritating, especially when it's a teeny tiny serif font.


mecurtin June 26 2007, 16:09:39 UTC
I always assumed the hard-coded fonts thing was a mistake caused by their posting client. Otherwise they'd have to be *stupid*.

You haven't lived until you've been in a stadium of 75,000 people singing along with "Seek and Destroy." Metallica is AWESOME in concert.

Dean wants you to write this story for him *RIGHT NOW*. With playlist.

Thanks for the Joisey memories. Have you not been farther down than LBI?


musesfool June 26 2007, 16:36:06 UTC
I always assumed the hard-coded fonts thing was a mistake caused by their posting client. Otherwise they'd have to be *stupid*.

Huh. I never thought of that. But wouldn't they *notice*? I guess because I don't use a client for anything, I'm not aware of their quirks.

Dean wants you to write this story for him *RIGHT NOW*. With playlist.

Bwah! Don't think I haven't thought about it.

Thanks for the Joisey memories. Have you not been farther down than LBI?

Glad you enjoyed them. I enjoyed reminiscing. And no, unless passing through on the way to Baltimore counts...


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