but i used a little too much force

Jun 26, 2007 11:17

There was fic last night!

The Calendar Hung Itself
Supernatural; Dean/Sam (Dean/Ellen, Dean/OFC); adult; spoilers through AHBL2; 10,810 words
Being an accounting of the souvenirs collected on the Dean Winchester farewell tour of America.

I am really happy with how this story turned out - it's almost exactly what I wanted it to be when I had the idea, though I admit the Wincest took me by surprise. I don't know - when I set out to write it, I find it really difficult. When I don't plan for it, it pops up and I can't weed it out. I'm not sure what that's about. Also, not even first time Wincest, but established relationship. And Sam's not even a girl. My brain, she is a scary place sometimes.

Which, if I told you the idea I had yesterday, would be totally confirmed.

Dear Brain,

you alternately vex and astonish me. Never leave me!




Random fandom pet peeve of the day:

People! Do not hard code the fonts into your stories! It's really freaking annoying! Some of us are old and cannot read 6pt type. Some of us are at work and do not want blaring 24pt headers. Some of us are attached to ?style=mine and you are taking that option away from us! Which means I, at least, won't be reading your fic, even if you are the second coming of Shakespeare, until you post it in a format that doesn't hurt my eyes (or allows me to fix it when it does).


More stuff from Friday's poll:

mecurtin asked me to talk about New Jersey

Ah, Jersey, our nearest neighbor. I have spent many, many fond hours there, at the beach, at the bar, at the Meadowlands. When I was in my early twenties, I used to go down to LBI for weekends occasionally with a friend whose family had a house in Manahawkin, and one summer I even bought two weeks in a share house that was actually on LBI. Good times...

That same friend lived in Hoboken, and another dear friend lived in Union City, so we spent a lot of some time in the bars and clubs of Hoboken in the early-mid '90s, especially one place called 157, where D. and I spent an unconscionable amount of money on alcohol one night, especially considering F. was with us and he paid our way quite a bit. There was also a karaoke bar called Madison's, where this dude I picked up at a party put his fist through the glass door, and got hauled away by the cops. Yes, that is about as indicative of my luck with men as it gets.

I saw the first concert I ever went to in Jersey - Bruce Springsteen, Jersey's most famous son, at the Meadowlands for Born in the USA in August 1985 (to this day, whenever we are arguing, or I take my sister's side against him, my brother says, "But who took you to your first concert? Who took you to see Bruce four times?"). God, it was awesome. I also saw U2 on The Joshua Tree tour at Brendan Byrne in 1987, and then again at Giants Stadium in 1992 - five rows from the back of the stadium, in the warm summer rain. That was the night Pete Metzger punted the party ball. And Metallica and GnR (stupid boy I was with wanted to stay in the parking lot and drink beer while Faith No More was on. Sigh.) in '93. You haven't lived until you've been in a stadium of 75,000 people singing along with "Seek and Destroy." Metallica is AWESOME in concert. Then Axl made us wait an extra hour in the rain (are you sensing a theme here?), and then he threw a hissy fit and left the stage in the middle of "Knocking on Heaven's Door." Jackass. And I saw Springsteen there again in 2002 for The Rising, with my brother and sister, in a downpour, and that was awesome, as well.

So despite the traffic and the big hair and the occasional industrial stench, I have much fondness for New Jersey.


macteague wanted me to talk about Harry Potter Book 7

I, um, haven't pre-ordered it yet. This is not my fault! Well, no, it kind of totally is, but see, I keep asking my niece if I am hanging out with her for the midnight release, or if she is going with friends, and she keeps saying she doesn't know yet, and my sister is no help, so I have sort of let my plans remain loose.

I am looking forward to reading it, though. I would like to say I am not that invested, but I know that's probably a lie. RON CANNOT DIE! DO NOT WANT! Ahem.

Also, I am preparing for the hopefully-not-inevitable Lupin/Tonks wedding, which will make me hurl. I was just thinking this morning that every time I see a commercial for OotP, I think, oh, cool, and then I immediately think, Oh, *Sirius*. Sigh. Maybe I will haul out that last R/S story and see if I can finish it in the next couple of weeks.

Also, I am kind of looking forward to the explosion of wank that will follow. Is that wrong of me? I feel it will be highly entertaining, as previously (relatively) sane factions of fandom lose their shit (Snape fans, I'm looking at you!). And I can watch it all from the sidelines. Tasty.


i won't read your fic if, memes: fannish, bruce, fannishness

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