you've given me everything i need

May 20, 2007 21:45

I watched the Bones finale and enjoyed it a lot. ( spoilers )

tv: gilmore girls, tv: supernatural: episode-related, oh dean, tv: bones, tv: grey's anatomy

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Comments 23

fairy_tale_echo May 21 2007, 06:12:51 UTC
Gilmore Girls had me from when Rory told her, "Mom, you've already given me everything I need." TA-DAH, that's it exactly!! There's the show's entire, fantastic-beautiful-ness all wrapped up in one sentence.

Also, I am so totally NOT writing Five Weddings Lorelai Never Had. ;)


musesfool May 21 2007, 13:56:58 UTC
Yeah, I was so glad Rory said that, because it's the essence of the show.

Also, I am so totally NOT writing Five Weddings Lorelai Never Had.

Isn't that, like, one of the running subplots of the show? *g*


tenillypo May 21 2007, 12:49:39 UTC
Rory and Paris did have a nice moment the week before at their graduation, but the lack of Mrs. Kim distressed me. Other than that, though, I loved every inch of that episode. Especially Richard and Emily with Lorelei. Man, I can't think about it too hard now or I'll start sobbing again... :)


musesfool May 21 2007, 13:59:29 UTC
Yeah, I figured Paris probably was in the graduation episode, but the lack of Mrs. Kim was just wrong.

Especially Richard and Emily with Lorelei.

I know! That made me so happy, that they finally acknowledged how awesome she is TO HER.


lootsfoz May 21 2007, 17:24:23 UTC
I haven't watched the GA finale yet because I didn't realize it would be an extended episode, and my tv listings source didn't clue me in, so I missed the last 15 minutes. Pretty much the only reason I might stick around next season would be Alex, who is one of the few characters left I like. Well, him and Bailey.


musesfool May 21 2007, 17:55:53 UTC
I really like Cristina and Callie, as well, but I just... I am skeeved by a lot of what I've heard went on, and I don't feel the need to subject myself to a show that's just going to make me angry every week.


thistlerose May 22 2007, 01:08:34 UTC
I think GA and I are breaking up, even if that means I don't get to see Cristina and Bailey again. The finale was just... I don't even want to talk about it.


But GG made me happy. That was a nice surprise after the last two seasons.


musesfool May 22 2007, 14:07:29 UTC
Yeah, nothing I've heard about the finale makes me want to watch it. I deleted it off the DVR without hesitation. Makes my Thursdays easier. *g*

But GG made me happy. That was a nice surprise after the last two seasons.

Seriously. It was a nice send-off.


Mighty Lemon Drops- "Inside Out" anonymous May 23 2007, 16:24:50 UTC
Don't know if someone else has already hooked you up, but here's the song from the GG finale:



Re: Mighty Lemon Drops- "Inside Out" musesfool May 24 2007, 04:02:35 UTC
Thank you so much!


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