can you find me soft asylum

Apr 20, 2007 12:29

I am avoiding my pinch hit, if you can't tell.

Memes and links!

Looking for Solace in a Slice of Pie by Julia Moskin

I read this because the title is basically the theme of every SPN story (and some in other fandoms as well) I've written. But instead of an article about pie recipes (it's in the Dining section), it's about Adrienne Shelly, the filmmaker-actress who was murdered last year, and whose last movie is Waitress, which stars Keri Russell and Nathan Fillion (and I guess it's coming out soonish?), and it made me sniffly on behalf of the late Ms. Shelly, and also made me want to see the movie, because, well, pie.

The major preoccupations of "Waitress" are pies and pregnancy, and the redemptive potential of each for a young woman stuck with a dead-end job and a singularly nasty husband.

Pie as metaphor for love is one of my recurring themes, and this movie appears to play with that, which interests me a lot.


This week's fannish5:

What are your top five canon couples?

There's no way I can keep this to five.

1. Han/Leia. Star Wars
Formative OTP. Bickering! Shooting things! "I love you." "I know."

2. Josh/Donna. The West Wing
"I'm just saying, if you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for a beer." "If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights."

3. Alexander/Hephaistion. Fire from Heaven & The Persian Boy. (Also, history.)
"He too is Alexander."

4. Achilles/Patroclus. The Iliad and the epic cycle.
"Never bury my bones apart from yours, Achilles!"

5. Wash/Zoe. Firefly
"I need this man to rip off all my clothes." "Work, work, work."

6. Eric and Tami Taylor. Friday Night Lights.
I don’t have a quote for them so much as I have the image of them dancing around the living room while they’re showing Julie how to slow-dance. And also Tami standing on Eric’s feet. And the way he puts his hand on the top of her head when he kisses her. *hearts*

7. Faramir/Eowyn. Lord of the Rings.
"I would wed with the White Lady of Rohan, if it be her will."

8. Ged/Tenar. The Earthsea cycle.
"You told me to show you something worth seeing. I show you yourself."

9. Nick and Nora Charles. The Thin Man.
"Pretty girl." "Yes. She's a very nice type." "You got types?" "Only you, darling. Lanky brunettes with wicked jaws."


meme via louise_lux: describe me in one word.... just one single word. Leave it in my comments section. Then post this original message on your journal and see how many strange and interesting things people say about you.


memes: fannish, memes, links, pie = love, genghis khan could bring it on, otp/shipping

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