(no subject)

Mar 19, 2006 12:46

Title: An Issue Of Hearing
Author: triskellion
Challenge #: 13
Rating: G
Disclaimers: I don’t own Pirates of the Caribbean. Disney does. I do own Kaylee and her crazy story.

This is another snippit of the story of Kaylee, aka Sesquelearus Estus’t’estus. When gelsey told me she had picked the song from Pirates as one of the list for Challenge 13 I couldn’t resist doing a second entry. All you need to know for this one is that Kaylee ends up in the Pirates world and is hanging out with Captain Sparrow on the Black Pearl for the moment.

Previous snippits from Kaylee’s story are here and here.

Kaylee groaned and rolled her eyes yet again as she leaned against the midships rail. How he could go on, and on, and on for so long without his entire crew pitching a fit she did not know. While she wasn’t positive of the time without her watch (it had died a few weeks back after the Captain thought it would be funny to pitch her overboard rather than letting her climb down to the boats), from the change in position of the sun she was rather certain that several hours had passed since the Captain had taken the wheel … and started singing. It felt like weeks.

If he would just sing more than one song at a time, it would not be so bad, but it was always the same song, time and again.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We're beggars and blighters, ne'er-do-well cads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

As he started over once again, her head met the railing with a loud crack. This sound finally attracted the attention of Mr. Gibbs.

“Watch yerself there lass. Yer goin’ ta damage the rail if you keep that up,” he said as he came up beside her, far too cheerful for her piece of mind.

“How do you stand it?” she asked, her face still resting against the sun warmed wood of the Pearl.

“Stand what?”

Her head snapped up in surprise and she turned to look at his innocent expression. “The singing, man. How can you stand the singing? The all pervasive, loud, repetitive, obnoxious singing.”

And he laughed. Damn him, he laughed at her. “We learned to tune that out long ago. It means the Captain is happy and the Pearl is sailing well. So we take it as a good sign and otherwise tune it out.”

She groaned again and rested her aching forehead back on her arms. For the first time in her life she truly regretted the sharp hearing imparted to her by her father’s fae blood.

triskellion, kaylee, challenge 13

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