Fic: The First Time

Nov 13, 2011 18:01

Title: The First Time
Author: museme87
Pairing: Brian/Justin
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 478
Warnings: gratuitous sex, language, drug use, fluff-free
Summary: He said, "I love you", and then he leaned in and kissed me.
Author's Note: Written for the QAF 30 day challenge on tumblr. The prompt was essentially "write a drabble from a character's perspective". So this is the first time BJ has sex in 1.01 from Brian's POV.

Brian doesn't know what it is about this kid, but he feels like fucking sunshine-hot, glistening, and inescapable. Of course, that could be the drugs talking. He can tell by the way this trick's skin literally glitters with sweat and looks blurred. But Brian doesn't give a fuck-drugs, kid, or otherwise-as long as his tight little blond boy ass keeps making him feel like this.

The kid shudders around him-squeezing him impossibly hard-for what's something like the third or fourth time tonight. The sensation forces him to moan as the kid pants and gasps beneath him. It's been a hell of a long time since he's experienced this sort of pleasure.

"I could stay inside you forever," he whispers against the kid's temple.

The blond bucks up against him, making him lose his breath, "Do it."

Lips meet in a fury, Brian pounding into his ass. For a virgin, the kid sure as hell knows how to take it. He can appreciate that in a partner-especially one with no experience-and it almost has him regretting not remembering his name.

His tongue delves into the trick's open mouth, strangling the sound of too much, too much, God, Brian. He'd stop if the kid asked him to, but since he's not, Brian thinks to teach him a lesson about breaking barriers and riding out overstimulation. The kid-and all the men he has later-will thank him for molding him properly from first fuck. Brian, maybe for the first time, reconsiders his one-fuck-only policy. It could be interesting to take on a pet project.

But no, fuck it. What with the way this kid is looking at him already with love-sick puppy eyes-not that Brian can blame him-it wouldn't do to start bending rules.

As if encouraged on by his resolve, Brian slams into the kid with utter abandon. The blond's nails dig into his shoulders, his legs tightening their hold around his hips. He might be bruised tomorrow morning, and while that's normally not his thing, Brian will make an exception for it tonight.

"Brian, oh fuck. I'm going to…again…fuck," he cries out.

The kid's orgasm tears a long groan from his throat, and Brian swears the world collapses into pinpricks of light. Balls suddenly, unbearably heavy and tight, he buries himself as deep as he possibly can get inside the blond.

And then he's seized. It's the best fucking thing he's ever felt, only made better by the kid rolling his hips. Brian can hardly think, can barely wrap his mind around what's happening. It feels like his heart's stopped, his lungs left empty. Collapsing, he finally remembers to breathe, his head still spinning. When Brian remembers how to form words-but not before he's reclaimed any sense-he moves his lips against the kid's ear.

"I love you."

pairing:brian/justin, fic:2011, fanfic:qaf

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