
Jan 10, 2011 07:40

Title : Of earplugs, ribbons and nutella
Beta :  yukimiya87 
Genre : Romance, Crack, Fluff,
Pairing : Jaeho & Yunjae xD
Length :  2615wo
Rating : R (HJ and SM?)
Summary : Jaejoong happened to have a problem whenever he was in bed with his boyfriend. Desperate, he asked Changmin for help.
A/N : B-day fic for yuki_3 , my love :3 ♥

“I love to top, okay. But I’m not straight for God’s sake!” )

! happy b-day fic, length : one-shot, band : dbsk, ribbons and nutella, pairing : yunho/jaejoong, fic : of earplugs

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Comments 121

harangkaori January 10 2011, 07:18:43 UTC
i only have one word
HOT HOT HOT! haha wait thats like 3 words..

opps XD

hehe love it &hearts


museelo January 10 2011, 16:12:48 UTC
Yay! You really thought it was hot? OMG this is awesome XD

Thanks so much XD


alicachen January 10 2011, 07:23:44 UTC
ME.. ME.. Like this crack!! So funny! Even tough I really hope Joongie won't give the Kinks up LOL!! Yuki_3 retweet this link to my timeline 8D
Glad finally I can figure out Elo which Ceci praised so dearly (^o^) Let's be friend! I'm 4ll_ice from twitter ^o^
Thanks for sharing this..
Ps. I really wanna read your other fic, did you f-locked them? If it is, add me back, please *battling eyes lashes* XD


museelo January 10 2011, 16:16:40 UTC
LOL She really retweeted this? LOL XD
omg, Cecilia praised me? ô.ô Hey, tell me more xD
Oh this is you? I alaready saw your twitter name many times xD

Hey, you're already friends, since you've added me before XD

Thank you for reading ^^


tine_cheese January 10 2011, 07:35:31 UTC
LOL XD So it was all an act~ I guess Jae wouldn't want to do Jaeho anymore. XDDD


museelo January 10 2011, 16:26:56 UTC
I'm afraid he wouldn't want to have sex anymore! XD

Thanks for reading :D


tuki91 January 10 2011, 07:40:41 UTC
Poor Jaejoong...
It's just a bet and then Yunjae will come back ^^


museelo January 10 2011, 16:27:34 UTC
I'm not sure if Jae would welcome him happily xD

Thank you for reading :)


jlie_ly January 10 2011, 07:57:32 UTC
*GASP* omg snail don't know their own gender!!! O A O
jk, i enjoyed the fics, remind me of Yun's voice in Purple line. XD


museelo January 10 2011, 16:30:21 UTC
Well, the things is that snails can have 2 genders xD Sorry for confusing you XD

A++ Purple line's voice! XD

Thank you for reading :)


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