(no subject)

Oct 12, 2010 16:23

Title : A matter of strawberries
Beta : haru_ran :3
Poster : unknowntibidip :D
Genre : AU / Humor
Pairing : Yunjae
Length : 3 / ?
Rating : PG for swearing words
Summary : They have always been rivals, fighting over customers. But what if someday they had to work together ?
A/N : I'll tag chap per chap by the way. The genres that will appear in the fic are: AU, Humor, Romance, Fluff and Smut that's why the rating will raise from pg to nc-17 :D
Chapter dedicated to thepwahlove, because she gave me moral support. Thank you hun ^^

Jaejoong stood there, frozen, seeing Yunho in front of him. It was 5:30 am for God’s sake! How in the world could his rival be here before him? He couldn’t believe it; it was completely incredible. When his mind finally analysed the situation, Jaejoong couldn’t help yelling a ‘What the FUCK?!’ He actually didn’t snap at his rival’s remark, which he ignored, but it was just his frustration and surprise which were expressed. Indeed, he wasn’t expecting to see the other man at this hour of the day -or night. He blinked for the nth time when his interlocutor spoke again.

“You could at least be polite, or is it too much to ask for, Kim Jaejoong?” Yunho sighed loudly. “By the way, we’re not alone so could you please lower your voice?”

“What are you just doing here, Jung?” Jaejoong replied, ignoring once again the taller man’s sentences.

“The same reason as you I guess. You wanted to own the stall, didn’t you?”

At this moment, Jaejoong couldn’t bear to see Yunho’s smirk. Clenching his fists on his trolley’s handle, he breathed deeply before gritting his teeth:

“Yes, I do.”

“But you can’t,” the other man rectified him suddenly. “Because I have been here before you.”

“Since when are you here? It’s almost 6am! Don’t tell me Mr. Jung slept here…”

“And what if I were? At least I was determined to own this stand, unlike someone…” Yunho implied with his ‘famous’ smirk that he was talking about Jaejoong.

The latter felt anger boiling in his veins, his body leaned forward and, without a warning, he grabbed him by the collar in a split second. He tightened his grip, bringing his face closely to Yunho’s, who didn’t show much self-confidence at that moment than he used to before.

“You bastard… I just want to rip off the tongue of yours, then burn it until it’ll go to ashes,” Jaejoong threatened him in a whisper.

Yunho widened his eyes at his rival’s actions and words, which made his blood run cold. It sent shivers down his spine; he had never seen this guy acting this way before. ‘Who are you Kim Jaejoong?’

“I scared you, didn’t I?” Jaejoong smiled in victory while loosening his grip. “You actually did believe me! Ha! In your face, Jung!”

“You just go to your stand and stand there, Kim,” the other man replied, feeling humiliated -a lot.

“Don’t think I’ve said my last word, Jung Yunho,” Jaejoong grinned when he picked his trolley. “Wait for my revenge.”

He walked past Yunho behind his stand. Damn that Jung guy, usually he couldn’t bear him but at this moment… it was the worst. At least, he managed to scare him and he couldn’t be more satisfied. ‘Yeah, wait for me Jung,’ he thought. Wait, for what exactly? He sure wanted -needed, actually- revenge but he didn’t have a plan yet. Besides, he must find a way to trick his brother too… Two revenges and still no plan; it was looking a bit iffy. However, he always thought that life was like a jungle: you have to lie in order to survive. That was the way it worked and Jaejoong improved so much at bluffing that even his rival fell for it! Once he was behind his stand, he sat on his little stool, let his head fall on his blanket the whole on his table. He didn’t care if the other man could make fun of him, he just wanted to rest for an hour.

Jung Yunho was -somehow- not so thrilled at being there before the other man anymore. That Kim guy really freaked him out, so much that he had been completely weak in front of him. He was already used to their exchange of swear words actually but he never received such harsh words. Letting out a sigh, he sat back, still hearing Jaejoong’s words in his mind. Seeing the other man sleep, he imitated him by leaning on his arms.

An hour later, the sun woke the two men up. Yunho was stretching his arms, letting out a yawn while Jaejoong had closed his eyes, ignoring the sun. He was really tired, just wanted to rest a few minutes, although he couldn’t since he heard some merchants coming. ‘Damn them, can’t they even try to make less noises, please?!’ he thought, reacting as if he had a hangover. He realised, five minutes later, that his request hadn’t been heard. Groaning, he rubbed his eyes with his fists before sitting in a better way on his stool. Picking his personal strawberries box, he ate some of those fruits. His eyes wandered until he turned his head to his rival. The latter was gesticulating in a weird manner. ‘Why do I deserve to see this, God. Why?’ Jaejoong told to himself. Oh, so Mr. Jung was trying to take care of his body by doing these moves?

“Jaejoong-ah! You’re early!” a feminine voice said, startling him.

The young man turned his head again, to see two women in front of him. Mrs Choi, a.k.a Lettuce-lady, and the one who called him, her granddaughter, a.k.a Tomato-miss. He bowed at them when the old woman spoke:

“What happened? Yesterday you were late and the next day you’re… Oh and Yunho is here too,” she frowned, confused before shaking her head. “You two are hopeless, haha!”

“If Yunho-ssi bothers you too much, I’ll throw a tomato at him!” the young woman giggled as her grandmother was ruffling Jaejoong’s hair.

“I can manage, don’t worry Sanghee-ah,” he smiled at her.

“Oh right! I forgot to tell you that, apparently, a new person will join us,” Lettuce-lady informed him with a murmur, as if it was an important matter.

Jaejoong nodded, his mouth forming an ‘o’. Then Tomato-miss and her grandmother greeted him before making their way. Okay, another person will be with them but he wanted to say: ‘so what?’ He shrugged with a sigh as some people waved at him when he stood up to tidy his stall.

A few meters away, someone was already preparing his stand. He didn’t have the time to chat; everything needed to be perfect otherwise he would be unhinged. For the occasion of being really early and before than his rival, Yunho brought some little banners that he would hang at the sticks. He even got several balloons that were just waiting to be blown up. The young man had made a list with all of his objects and their number; it was time now to check if everything was in its place. Perfectionist he was. After installing his cash box next to him on another stool, he started to take his boxes full of fruits before arranging the strawberries in different baskets.

He was so focused on his tasks that he didn’t even notice when the wind carried one of his balloons away…

The other man went to the stand next to him, where one of his friends was selling cherries. They exchanged a box of strawberries with another of cherries for free before sitting on his stool, waiting for the customers. He glanced at his clock before eating a few fruits, staring off into space. He was really unaware that his rival was calling -or yelling- his name until Yunho came in front of him.

“It’s you, isn’t it, Kim,” he announced, apparently pretty angry. “You took your revenge, did you?”

“... I’m sorry, what?” Jaejoong replied, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh yeah, like you don’t know. I’m not that dumb, you know.”

“Just keep it short,” Yunho’s interlocutor frowned, annoyed.

“You stole, untied or did something to one of my balloons. And it’s gone. Admit it, Kim!”

Jung Yunho was such a perfectionist that he could get easily a nervous breakdown if something was -according to him- out of his control. At this moment, the other man, seeing his rival being really serious about this, burst into laughter. He hid his mouth with his hand, laughing loudly, even hitting the table with his fist. He had never heard something that funny. Hell, even that Jung guy could have a sense of humour!

“I’m sorry for your loss then, ” Jaejoong managed to say with some difficulties as he was still laughing.

“So, you want to play that kind of game? All right, let’s play.” Yunho replied immediately, in a cold tone. “Just don’t come to me all crying, Kim.”

“Why would I cry, huh? I keep telling you I’m not afraid of you, Jung,” the other young man uttered a sigh. “Do as you please, I really don’t care,” he added while waving his hand at him.

Yunho left him, gritting his teeth as he made his way to his stall. He was sure the guy had stolen his balloon. It could have only be him. He stared at his rival, screwing up his eyes to watch him preparing his stand with his boxes. ‘Pretending to be all innocent is your strategy… But I won’t fall for your trick, Kim Jaejoong,’ Yunho thought as he clenched his fists. The other man was just being childish acting like this, and Yunho decided to be serious. He knew Jaejoong would try to steal his customers, he just needed to beat him in another way than just fooling around.  He needed to shoulder his responsibility as a merchant conscientiously; it was a serious matter. That was why, when the first persons arrived in the place, he immediately called out to them:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, today is a special day. And ‘why is it?’ you wonder, huh. Because today, I am willing to make you all, an offer.”

Startled by his rival’s voice in a megaphone, Jaejoong turned suddenly his head. When he heard his words, he couldn’t help widening his eyes. Man, that Jung guy was really ready to do anything! And he noticed that people were somehow attracted to the other man. It seemed, that when you talk about money, people are more willing to listen to you… Even he paid attention unintentionally.

“My prices will drop by a third. Good deal, isn’t it?” Yunho smirked at the persons in front of his stand.

His offer managed to make the customers react. He heard some ‘Ooh…’ or ‘Interesting!’ but before he could talk again, Jaejoong’s voice rose suddenly.

“And I am ready to make it half-price!” he announced proudly before all the persons, who were about to deal with Yunho -all of them-, made straight to his stand.

“I have to be in charge of my family, I can’t make half-price. I would if I could,” Yunho added sadly in his megaphone. “I can even give you an extra box, if you would buy my strawberries…”

This was something Jaejoong didn’t expect. He knew the taller man was lying and he couldn’t blame him for that but the second after… he was left alone since everyone seemed to be so concerned by Yunho’s so-called story. He saw red as he clenched his fists; how could he turn the situation around?

<< Chapter 2________________________________ ______________ Chapter 4 >>

A/N: Here's the 3rd chapter :D I hope you liked it, and sorry for the lateness but college is starting to be a pain in the *ss xD Drop me a comment, will you ? ^^ Also, silent readers, please say something ;___;
See you on the next chapter ? :D
Today is my b-day ;D

band : dbsk, fic : a matter of strawberries, pairing : yunho/jaejoong, length : chaptered

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