So Journeys the Fool (Original)/ General / 30A 04. Puppy Love

Apr 25, 2007 13:33

Title: The Origins of Love
Fandom: Original (So Journeys the Fool)
Prompt: 004. Puppy Love
Characters: Eric Hansen, Carinae Moriarty, and Gretchen Davies
Rating: PG-13? (Implied nudity)
Word Count: 1540
Summary: In an intimate moment, the origins of Eric's love for Carinae are revealed, from teenaged puppy love to present day true love.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: So Journeys the Fool is an original work by me. Do not use this or anything pertaining to the characters without my permission.

Sitting up, he leaned against the headboard and watched her move through the room. How far they’d come from being the carefree young teens they’d once been. A wry chuckle rose from within him, a sound that he never gave utterance too. Had Carinae ever been a carefree individual? No, he supposed not. Even in what should have been youth-filled days for her, she had never been anything beyond serious and morose. At least, that’s what had appeared to be the case for one that didn’t know her as well as he and Gretchen had.

As he continued to sit there, he watched as the years quickly began to melt away, and, within his mind’s eye, he saw her again as she once had been in those rare moments. How beautiful she was when she allowed a smile to grace her lips! A goddess among mortals! He’d always believed so.

“A penny for your thoughts,” Gretchen had said at noticing what must have been a dreamy smile upon his face.

“Hmmm?” Startling from his reverie, he looked over at her and shook his head. “Nothing. I’m not thinking a thing.” Even as he said it, his eyes darted to where Carinae once had been.

With a knowing smile, Gretchen’s gaze followed his. “Mmmm hmmm. You can’t fool me, Eric. I think I know you better than even you do at times.”

Crossing his arms over his chest, he feigned stubbornness. “Oh, really? And if you know me so well… then you really need not ask me what I’m thinking, do you? If you’re so smart… then you tell me what it is that I was thinking.”

“Very well…” Her smile brightened. “I am going to take a stab in the dark here, of course, but I think your mind was lingering on Reena. I think someone has a bit of a crush on her.”

Eric knew very well that she had him pegged and that denying anything of the sort would only backfire on him. “Oh, all right, Ms Smarty Pants. You’ve got me… Just… you know… don’t tell her, all right?”

Giving him an appraising look, she tilted her head. “Why ever for?” It was more apparent by the expression upon her face that she honestly didn’t understand his reticence. “I think you would be good for her. Gods know that she could stand to date someone that would be sweet to her. You know as well as I do that guys she dates… Well… Her taste in matters of the opposite sex is absolutely horrible!”

He had to admit that much and nodded in understanding. Carinae did have terrible taste in guys. At least in his mind, every one that he’d ever known her to date had been bad for her in so many ways.

“She’s not the easiest girl to get along with…”

Eric shook his head. “It’s all a front.” His words were spoken with the conviction he felt within.

“How can you be so certain?”

“You can see it… in her eyes,” he replied as his gaze once more met Gretchen’s. “They say that the eyes are windows to a person’s soul…”

Gretchen’s smile brightened. “Why, Eric… you surprise me. I didn’t think you listened to any of the things that Nana and I talk about.”

He could feel the flush rise to his cheeks. “I do… I just don’t always understand.”

There were a lot of things even those closest to him didn’t know about him. Through those discussions that he’d overheard take place between Gretchen and Carinae’s grandmother, his interest in metaphysics had been spurred. Unlike Carinae, he believed that anything was possible, if only one believed them to be. As a result, he’d done a bit of delving into various subjects himself.

“You ought to speak up more,” Gretchen told him with a nod. “I’m certain Nana would be more than happy to explain whatever it is that you don’t understand.”

Eric’s eyes strode over to where Carinae now sat with her newest ‘suitor’. “Yeah… I suppose…”

He knew, though, that Carinae didn’t believe in any of those things that she considered her grandmother’s ‘ramblings’. Were he to outwardly express an interest, he was concerned how, in her eyes, she would view him.

“You know…” Gretchen paused as if she were considering her words carefully. “She takes interest in guys who know their own mind… Haven’t you noticed it?”

With a nod, his gaze now landed upon the ‘wanna-be-a-rebel’ in his tight jeans and leather jacket. Mike Hall. He shared third period English with him. A real attention-getter. If he thought he could get all eyes on him by doing one thing or another, he’d do it just to see what happened. The end result usually ended him up in the principal’s office, and, indeed, the talk of the school.

“Yes, I’ve noticed it.”

Falling silent for several moments, his eyes never once left the other boy. “I just don’t see what she sees in him. He’s just going to use her as some ploy for attention.” He was certain of it! She’d likely come out of it with a tarnished reputation.

“As much as I hate to admit it, Eric… because I love Reena dearly…” She was like a sister to her. “Her reputation isn’t sterling to begin with…”

It was several moments before he realized that she had commented on something that he’d never once given voice to. “How did you…” He paused once more before shaking his head.

“It’s an easy conclusion to come to, isn’t it?”

They both knew, whether they gave voice to it or not, that their friend, a sister to their hearts, she was going to get hurt in this situation.

Taking a deep breath, Eric now let out a slow sigh as his mind returned the present and he continued to watch Carinae as she went about the business of getting dressed. Mike Hall had lived up to his and Gretchen’s prediction, just like so many before him and so many after him. Carinae had ever been looking for something that she couldn’t find, and, much to his dismay, Eric had to admit, if even to himself, that she still hadn’t found it in him.

“Why are you staring at me?” she demanded, having caught sight of him in the mirror.

As the blood rushed to his cheeks, he grinned sheepishly at her. “Have I mentioned lately how beautiful you are?”

For a brief moment, her eyes met his in the mirror, as if in loving understanding, before she dropped her gaze to the sink before her. “Or so you think…”

“No.” Getting up from the bed, he crossed the room to stand behind her. “So, I know…”

Once more, she raised her gaze to his reflection. “Maybe on the outside… but on the inside…” A wry grin touched her lips. “That’s definitely questionable.”

Wrapping his arms around her, he dropped a kiss upon the top of her head. “Not as questionable as you might think…”

“Why have you put up with my shit for so long, Eric? Honestly?” she asked as she turned around to face him. “I just can’t fathom it.”

He pulled her more tightly in his embrace, their bodies touching as he considered how best to put his feelings into words. “Because I’ve been given a distinct gift. I’m able to see you for who you truly are and not who, I suspect, you’d like everyone to believe you are.”

Leaning back, she looked up at him with a quizzical raise of her brow. “Oh, really? And how would you say these two individuals differ? Who am I really opposed to who you seem to think I want others to believe I am?”

“I believe you are, indeed, a strong woman,” he began, once more pulling her toward him. “But… you are not as apathetic as you portray yourself to be. In truth, you’re softer within. You give me the privilege of seeing that. At least every now and again.” Pulling back from her, he added the last with a bright smile and wink.

“And I, of all people, know why you do it.” He’d seen the horrors that she had to contend with on a daily basis. The crimes humanity perpetrated against one another. It was enough to tear a tender-hearted soul such as himself in two. “It’s easier than allowing yourself to feel all the emotions drummed up by the job, Ree. But, don’t let it steal from you that which makes you human…”

For many long moments, silence fell heavily between them as Carinae appeared to give his words careful consideration. “And what if I don’t wish to be human anymore?” The expression upon her face, which seemed to be devoid of all warmth and amusement, was enough to tell him that they were words she asked in all seriousness.

“Well…” He wasn’t too certain what to say in response. “I’m afraid that it’s not exactly an option.” Reaching up, he pushed back a stray tendril of hair behind her ear. “A leopard can’t exchange its spots for stripes, I’m afraid.”

Little did either expect at that moment that, in time, her origins would eventually be in question.

100_prompts, so journeys the fool

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