Title: The Little Gray Fish Rating: G Characters: Castiel (plus "mystery" older brother) Genre: Family, and maybe a bit of humor? Summary: Tag to 6x20 - A fledgling marvels at his Father's work... albeit through unusual ways.
you know it's bad enough that the now Cas is too damn adorable...and then you write this...well my heart can't handle the cuteness...but i mean it's okay..i think i rather die from too much adorable than from the pain from the 6x20 episode! ;__; haha i loved this!!!! o gosh i always thought of Castiel as super cute, inquisitive little creature^_^
lovely and funny, wasn't expecting it to be Lucifer but that made a nice twist.
Castiel taught poetry to fish, as a result it remained in said fish's genetic memory and was passed down through untold generations. Every poet that has lived carries and is inspired by the genetic memory of what Castiel taught that fish.
Comments 59
*hugs this piece*
I needed this, too.
Aww, glad I could help :D
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Thanks! And you're welcome as well!
haha i loved this!!!! o gosh i always thought of Castiel as super cute, inquisitive little creature^_^
*hugs you*
Thanks! And aww, yeah, Cas really is such a curious bundle of adorableness x3
Castiel taught poetry to fish, as a result it remained in said fish's genetic memory and was passed down through untold generations. Every poet that has lived carries and is inspired by the genetic memory of what Castiel taught that fish.
LOL! And now, based on the teachings and influences of the poetry we have today, we too have been given Cas' lessons XD
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