Title: The Little Gray Fish Rating: G Characters: Castiel (plus "mystery" older brother) Genre: Family, and maybe a bit of humor? Summary: Tag to 6x20 - A fledgling marvels at his Father's work... albeit through unusual ways.
Thank you! And ol' Luci is just full of surprises :D
LOL! You're onto something there. Hopefully, it would be something pleasant, just to dull the super-sharp edge of what's inevitably waiting at the end.
Thank you! Luci just snuck up on my brain and pounced on it, and I was debating whether or not to put the fish's thought in 'cuz it just seemed too random XD I'm glad things worked out though
This was BEYOND cute and totally worked in lighting up my mood which has been downcast since 6x20 :-D I love your little Castiel, and the twist with Lucifer in the end was magnificent. I'd love to see more wee!Castiel, cause you portrayed him so well.
Oh, thanks so much! I'm really glad you feel better now after this :D
If you want some more wee!Cas, I'm currently working on a series called Notes Tied to Balloons, which is basically Cas interacting with his siblings :D
Comments 59
Also, it seems like every week they have a new theme. This week's was fish. Last week's was butts. I can only imagine the finale's...
LOL! You're onto something there. Hopefully, it would be something pleasant, just to dull the super-sharp edge of what's inevitably waiting at the end.
And Luci <3
I love your little Castiel, and the twist with Lucifer in the end was magnificent. I'd love to see more wee!Castiel, cause you portrayed him so well.
If you want some more wee!Cas, I'm currently working on a series called Notes Tied to Balloons, which is basically Cas interacting with his siblings :D
Here's Balthazar's story: http://murkyfragments.livejournal.com/3783.html#cutid1
Joshua's: http://murkyfragments.livejournal.com/4574.html#cutid1
Anna's: http://murkyfragments.livejournal.com/5270.html#cutid1
and Gabe's: http://murkyfragments.livejournal.com/6898.html
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