Sep 12, 2008 21:51

rl, hiatus

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Comments 11

acaciah September 13 2008, 00:20:41 UTC
You need to take care of yourself. The rest will fall into place. I know I'm one to talk and all, but you take care of everyone else before yourself. *tsks*

What? I say it with love.


murasaki_kaida September 13 2008, 13:16:43 UTC
Thanks hun *hugs* I haven't spoken to you in ages! Are you doing well? And Nina? I'd love to talk to Nina again


acaciah September 13 2008, 15:04:03 UTC
I'm good - I work for MicroSith, er, soft now and I've got a touch of carpal, but other than that I'm okay.

Nina! OMG, she just got REMARRIED. To a guy she met on WoW. He seems sweet though, she's much calmer and happier now that she's dumped the jerk. She's going for US/Canadian dual citizenship, cause her guy is in Missouri. He has two kids, so she's finally getting to be a mom too. :D I have wedding pics, I'm sure Nina'd send you some - send me your preferred email addy and I'll give it to her. Use the acaciahATgmail addy for me.


murasaki_kaida September 13 2008, 15:11:54 UTC
Wow Microsoft! Sounds stressful :-S

She got REMARRIED?! I had no idea she was even having problems with her first husband O_O I haven't spoken to her in ages, I kind of dropped off of Yahoo forever, and then I changed my MSN from the one it used to be to avoid my brother's wife.

I'd love to see her wedding pics and hear from her! The email I use the most is and for MSN it's

Do you guys have Facebooks?


lilmisfits8811 September 13 2008, 01:57:52 UTC
-cries- Aww I miss you too!!! I'm actually surprised that you added me into your list of peeps. -is so loved- And yeah I've been mega busy. Classes Monday thru Friday then I work Saturdays and Sundays free time for me! XD Though I have been able to produce a few drabbles. And I finally got all the stuff for your care package and I would have sent it today except I accidentally deleted your address so if you could give that to me again. I would love to send you a care package with much love in it. Just facebook it to me again. :3 Sorry for all the junk going on and I hope that you do go out with a bang for your last year. Then you'll have more time to talk about the awesomeness that is Bleach and Naruto. And when you publish your book, I'll have to special order it from over here and read it .


lilmisfits8811 September 13 2008, 01:59:15 UTC
P.S. Umm I haven't watched Heroes, but I will make it a point to look up this Sylar character since you think he's so smexy. ^_^


murasaki_kaida September 13 2008, 13:21:55 UTC
If I publish a book, I'd be sure to send you a copy (signed, if you wish XD). YAY care package! I still have to send yours too ^_^ and I'll send you copies of both Heroes seasons if you're interested.

Sylar is kind of an acquired taste, and I seem to be pretty alone in my worship right now (and not just because he's the bad guy), but here's a picture for you:

... )


ginnyseta September 13 2008, 04:10:58 UTC
*hugs* I was wondering where you were! I'm sorry to hear things have been crazy, and I hope you feel better soon. Take it easy!

I wanted to ask you if you ever got your prize from the GrimmApa contest. I mailed them literally months ago...the US winner got hers right away, but the other UK person last I spoke to her about a month ago hadn't.

If you didn't get it, I'd definitely like to kill the postal service and send you something else! Let me know!


murasaki_kaida September 13 2008, 13:15:48 UTC
I got mine, and it's amazing, thank you! The little Grimmy phone strap is on my phone now, goes well with the Grimmjow ringtone I have ^_~


hope_assassin September 21 2008, 09:11:36 UTC
I hope everything turns out fine in the end, especially for your stomach ache problems and that any damage that may be going on currently is fixable indeed. D: *shall be keeping fingers perpetually crossed for you*

All's well when ends well, right? :3 So I'll be hoping for a nice end for all your worries this year. :3 I can only hope they reach you. x3


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