S'mores, bless his little fuzzy heart, has his "vet radar" on. I made an appointment for 5 pm - 10 minutes from now, and he's nowhere to be seen. His brother and Sister showed up to be fed, but no S'mores. Argh, argh. I've looked under the hedges, in the cat Kabins, around the yard, glanced in the street (just in case)... no lame kitty. Going to try one more pass before calling the vet and seeing what's the latest I can haul him in -- or maybe in the morning?
Mine do this too. Fortunately, they're indoors and I can close off the doors to all their favorite hiding spots. The outdoor kitty gets to spend the night indoors before the vet visit.
I think it must take some special magical discipline to not broadcast "going to the vet" vibes. ;-)
He turned up our of nowhere 5 minutes after I posted. I stuffed him in the cat carrier and zoomed off to the vet, who was very nice. They think he has an abscess, although they couldn't see any more than I could on his fuzzy paw. S'mores was not happy, but very good with the vet folks. He gets to stay the night on antibiotics and pain meds, then get sedated and a closer check of his paw in the morning, lucky cat. Then he can come home and stay here while he recovers. I hope they can find the source of the infection.
Now if we could get Phil's Toshiba Tablet to link with the wireless router so readily... (been wasting way too much time on computer the last two weeks) It's a refurb given to him by a friend who's a Microsoft subcontractor/mfg's rep, and gets his hands on all kinds of Good Stuff, Slightly Used. But setting up a secure wireless network has been vexing. Hope these warjacks don't have firewall issues!
I had a mostly-outdoors tomcat many years ago who constantly got into fights, even after he was neutered, and would swell up like a balloon. I'd take him to the vet for antibiotics and he'd be fine in a few days, and ready for battle. I broke up one of his more drastic fights with the water hose!
*poings happily* Yay, I get to go first! Oh, and cortex 'firewalls' are called 'cortex locks' which only a caster of the relevant faction can get past, unless you're Haley. :P
Cortex locks! Thank you, I could *not* remember what they were called. Yep, Haley is cool on that score... or Epic Haley, I guess?
I'm assuming the Journeyman could probably get through, if need be. Heh.
I hope S'mores heals up fast, too. And after he comes home from the vet, I need to drag in my indoor three for shots and checkups. They'll be so grateful. >D
Re: First up!centaurgFebruary 27 2008, 06:20:12 UTC
Glad to hear that S'mores is getting professional attention, even if he's dubious of the whole affair. Good luck with the rest of your gang!
Our prima donna, Mittsy, was passing some blood in the litter box, so after a couple of weeks to verify it was her, in she went to the vet protesting all the way. They figure it's likely parasites and prescribed pills.
Do I need to mention that Mittsy is Very Difficult with pills? But I think we've got The Answer: a pill syringe that pops the tablet down her throat. Still takes both of us, but she was too surprised on the first try tonight to resist the swallow reflex. Well, I >think< it went all the way down. Found it in the dog section, not the cat health supply shelves.
Happiness is finding in the same mall as the PetSmart, a Korean grocery that stocks my favorite ramen bowl I can't find elsewhere any more (Nong Shim udon flavor). I bought an entire box of sixteen.
Re: First up!murasaki99February 28 2008, 01:51:14 UTC
A pill gun sounds like just the thing you need for Mittsy. Smart man! I share your pain on the Difficult with pills kitty. S'mores's meds are liquid and so far he's eating them in his food OK. My old long-gone kitty Amelia was awful about pills, liquid meds, anything. 0__O
WSU's vet website has an article on How to Pill a Cat, with how to use the pill syringe and good tips.
He's doing much better. He insisted on going out, so I'm feeding him his meds in his breakfast/dinner twice a day. Sister was thrilled to see him again, Sable... well, he just sort of went, "hmf!" :D
If he has any problems I'll haul him inside again.
Heh, thanks on the manga-panel. More soon, been sketching away. And reading Tezuka and Kia Asamiya... great combo for inspiration. *bounce*
Comments 18
Poor S'mores! Definitely keep us posted on how he's doing.
S'mores, bless his little fuzzy heart, has his "vet radar" on. I made an appointment for 5 pm - 10 minutes from now, and he's nowhere to be seen. His brother and Sister showed up to be fed, but no S'mores. Argh, argh. I've looked under the hedges, in the cat Kabins, around the yard, glanced in the street (just in case)... no lame kitty. Going to try one more pass before calling the vet and seeing what's the latest I can haul him in -- or maybe in the morning?
I think it must take some special magical discipline to not broadcast "going to the vet" vibes. ;-)
I had a mostly-outdoors tomcat many years ago who constantly got into fights, even after he was neutered, and would swell up like a balloon. I'd take him to the vet for antibiotics and he'd be fine in a few days, and ready for battle. I broke up one of his more drastic fights with the water hose!
Warjacks DO have firewalls, actually -- a cortex that bonds with the current user so no one else can disrupt the connection.
That's what I'm afraid S'mores is doing, but he's made himself thin for the vet trip.
Cats. *headdesk*
Oh, and cortex 'firewalls' are called 'cortex locks' which only a caster of the relevant faction can get past, unless you're Haley. :P
Poor S'mores! I hope he heals up quick.
Cortex locks! Thank you, I could *not* remember what they were called. Yep, Haley is cool on that score... or Epic Haley, I guess?
I'm assuming the Journeyman could probably get through, if need be. Heh.
I hope S'mores heals up fast, too. And after he comes home from the vet, I need to drag in my indoor three for shots and checkups. They'll be so grateful. >D
Our prima donna, Mittsy, was passing some blood in the litter box, so after a couple of weeks to verify it was her, in she went to the vet protesting all the way. They figure it's likely parasites and prescribed pills.
Do I need to mention that Mittsy is Very Difficult with pills? But I think we've got The Answer: a pill syringe that pops the tablet down her throat. Still takes both of us, but she was too surprised on the first try tonight to resist the swallow reflex. Well, I >think< it went all the way down. Found it in the dog section, not the cat health supply shelves.
Happiness is finding in the same mall as the PetSmart, a Korean grocery that stocks my favorite ramen bowl I can't find elsewhere any more (Nong Shim udon flavor). I bought an entire box of sixteen.
WSU's vet website has an article on How to Pill a Cat, with how to use the pill syringe and good tips.
Good luck to you! =;=
Ooh, like the FX in the last panel! Very dramatic and effective way of showing warcaster-jack contact.
If he has any problems I'll haul him inside again.
Heh, thanks on the manga-panel. More soon, been sketching away. And reading Tezuka and Kia Asamiya... great combo for inspiration. *bounce*
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