My Garden of Weeds

Jun 20, 2007 02:55

Nikkei Entertainment, July 2007 Issue

Unique idols who triumph by "localness" and "comedy"
Johnny's Jimusho's 7-member group Kanjani8 are stepping up with their second album and their nationwide tour.
Their popularity is rooted in Osaka. Enka and comedy form their unique weapons as idols. And the charm of these weapons is spreading throughout the nation.
In this issue, we hear personally from their producer and also the boys themselves to understand better the path to their success.

[Analysis] From Osaka to Nationwide! Area-limited operation as a strategy to their success

The 7-member, Osaka-born Johnny's idol group Kanjani8 is releasing their second album "KJ2 Zukkoke Daidassou" on 6th June, another major milestone of their career.

Following the Kyocera Dome concerts in early February, Kanjani8 then embarked on their nationwide, 47-prefecture concert tour, with the starting point being the Yokohama Arena in May, all the way to Okinawa in September. Concert venues include the Tokyo Dome, and span a total of 113 shows. This tour which is expected to attract 660,000 people is the biggest this year, even when compared to the other artistes. This is also the first time that a Johnny's group is touring all 47 prefectures of Japan.

Lately, Kanjani8 has been gracing not only the covers of idol magazines but also other magazines as well. This March, they have also begun endorsing Nissin food products, appearing in "Nissin Akiyaki Soba U.F.O." CMs. Their popularity is, without a doubt, on a rapid rise.

Judging by the way things are going, sales of the second album are definitely going to surpass the 200K mark of the first album, and would possibly surpass 300K to break into the Oricon top 30 albums of the year. In terms of their CD sales, they are the ones next in line after SMAP & KAT-TUN, on par with NEWS and KinKi Kids at the #3 seat.

Not widely known despite good sales - The reason why

There should be many people who are still unable to match their faces to their names. A lot of people outside of Kansai might be asking: Since when did they get this popular?

The background of the reason why there is a gap between their sales power and their nationwide degree of public recognition is due to a different path taken, as compared to the other Johnny's groups.

Their point of origin lies in the year 2002 when 8 main Kansai juniors were grouped together to form Kanjani8. They belonged to a rare department of the Johnny's idols - enka singers, and debuted in August 2004 with a CD. They took the chance (of the debut) to change their name from 関ジャニ8 to 関ジャニ∞. Unfortunately, Uchi Hiroki was put on suspension later.

Enka and kayou formed their foundation, with funk and rock being incorporated. They were classified by Oricon and the rest of the music industry under the enka department. Their characteristics include their band style, with members playing various instruments during their concerts, and also each member having his own theme color. Another rare point is, one of the members Nishikido Ryo is also a member of NEWS.

The reason for the gap between their sales power and their degree of public recognition lies in the fact that after their formation, their activities have been Kansai-based. This is very different from Arashi, Takki & Tsubasa, NEWS and KAT-TUN who have been Tokyo-based even before their debut, with their activities spanning nationwide.

Even their debut was plain. When Arashi debuted, a large-scale press conference was held onboard a yacht, at the seas of Hawaii Honolulu. Through various media like television, they stepped up nationally, right away. This has been the Johnny's Jimusho's style of doing things in recent years. But when Kanjani8 debuted, their press conference was held on the rooftop of their record company (according to Murakami Shingo). Their debut single "Naniwa Iroha Bushi" was only sold in the Kansai region (Hannah adds: but was nationwide-ly released later).

They carried out their activities as "Kansai-limited Johnny's", and with steady sales of 200K they bred a steady fanbase that was mainly from Kansai. This is the main reason why they were less known in Tokyo. In year 2006, they finally set off nationwide. Besides having held their first national concert tour that spanned Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka, their activities in Tokyo have also been increasing with a strong emphasis on television appearances. As compared to their debut single which had a 45% Kansai sales percentage, the ratio went down to 27% with their latest single "Zukkoke Otokomichi". In contrast, the percentage of the other regions went up. Maintaining their Kansai sales, and then pushing the ratio down to the market's average of 17%, their nationwide sales should still continue to rise.

Their wish is to triumph over all the prefectures

It is apparent even from their single titles that they are at a major turning point right now. The titles of their first four singles all included phrases like "naniwa" and "osaka" that emphasised on their hometown, but with their fifth single "Kanfuu Fighting" released in 2006 December and "Zukkoke Otokomichi" in 2007 April, such hometown-related phrases were no longer present. (Hannah disagrees - "Kan" of "Kanfuu" is from "Kansai")

Although they have now stepped up towards the goal of becoming nationwide stars, it does not mean that they have drawn further away from Kansai. In fact, they are strengthening the bonds they have with fans from all regions, Kansai included. According to Shibutani Subaru, "The 47-prefecture nationwide tour was originally expected to span only 30 prefectures, but we requested to tour all 47." The 47 concert venues vary in sizes too. Being able to hold concerts in the Tokyo Dome with a capacity of 55,000 and at the same time also concert halls that can only hold 1000 people - such a detailed tour is very rare. The distance to be covered in this tour is expected to exceed 15,000km.

Besides their music, they also possess other strong weapons. The talent they show on variety programmes cause even comedians to pale in comparison, with their boke and tsukkomi. They are even able to return the tsukkomi of big-name celebrities like Downtown. This ability of theirs is raved by people of the television industry, and we can expect offers of their appearances to increase in the future.

Looks like Kanjani8 has founded a new path for Johnny's idols, one that boasts the unique characteristics of "area-limited strategies" and "comedy".

A talk with the key person behind the music production
Nosawa Takatomo (Music Producer)

Comparing Kanjani8 against SMAP, KAT-TUN

Kanjani8's music characteristic is idol pop based upon the foundation of enka and kayou. Not many people may know this, but the man who let them walk down such a musical path is the same man who had been in charge of SMAP up til the mid-90's. We chat with Nosawa Takatomo to find out more about his music production.

When I took up responsibility for Kanjani8, I pondered about the ways to let them shine amongst their many rivals. Hikaru Genji wore beautiful clothes and descended from the galaxies on a horse carriage to welcome the girls - such a prince-like image is definitely not suitable for them. Because they are not superficial, because their Kansai background gave them a humorous personality, and because they are unable to tell girls "suki-da" directly. I am now exploring the ways through which I can bring out such characteristics in their music.

The latest album contains some funky songs, all based upon "manliness" and "sweat", and is til now the album that matches their personalities the best. Although so, it does not mean that this style has been set upon them. All I was hoping to do was to give them an image of "looks shy but is actually very gentle on the inside" as a foundation.

Lately, the most manly group in Johnny's would have to be KAT-TUN. Considering so, then Kanjani8 would have the image of your friendly Kansais at the very edge of the path. (laughs)

Kanjani8 played a greater part in their own music production than SMAP did in their early days. I do not give them a song, tell them "sing this" and then instruct them to sing it like this, like that. Instead, everyone is involved in the discussion. All 7 members of Kanjani8 have what it takes to discuss about music, they can write lyrics, and they sing well too. Their styles of harmony and chorus is unpreceded in Johnny's, and they have an amazing ability to grasp beat and measure in a way Kanto people can't.

The path of enka and kayou that Johnny-san (Kitagawa) had set for them at their CD debut will not change. There are now many genres of music out there, but if you listen carefully to the melody of those bestselling songs, most of them are actually kayou. (laughs) My wish is for them to triumph with simple melodies, and not pure enka or pure kayou. I think the higher the expectations that people have for their singing abilities, the greater the 7-man power of their songs would get in the future.

The 7 members talk about how they survive on this path

Yokoyama Yuu
Born in Osaka, May 9, 1981. Bloodtype A. Hosts a radio show together with Murakami Shingo. Played an apprentice chef in the drama "Haikei, Chichiuesama" this January, and received good reviews.

No special feelings last year
But I feel the change this year

Yokoyama is the "spokesperson" of Kanjani8, leading the other members during conversation on variety programmes and hosting a radio show together with Murakami. But when you speak to him one-on-one, you would realise that he is actually a quiet person. He possesses a sense of balance to observe the situation of the members, and is a leader-like presence.

Someone once said this about us: all of you stare so hard at the camera when performing. So desperate. (laughs) That is because we have a big number of people, therefore the performances undergo heavy editting. How we express ourself in a single shot is crucial to us.

We held a nationwide tour last year, but no one recognised us when we went to the convenience store. (laughs) The audience came (for our concerts), but somehow we were totally not well-known. However, I have begun to feel a shrinkage in the gap this year.

Amongst all the activities of Kanjani8's, I value concerts the most. Whenever I perform happily and then see that the audience is also enjoying our performance, I would think to myself "I'm glad I'm a Johnny!" Even if our activities continue to increase from now on, concerts will still be the thing that is closest to my heart.

I took part in "Haikei, Chichiuesama" this year, and surprisingly, I received reviews from many people that my performance was above expectations. I was merely acting according to the director's instructions. Whatever the director required of me, I tried my best to do. I was only following instructions. Sometimes the senior actors would come to talk to me too, and it made me feel that this job is indeed meaningful.

Shibutani Subaru
Born in Osaka, September 22, 1981. Bloodtype O. A unique, sorrowful voice has received positive reviews. Has been performing solo on television even before debut. Guitarist.

For people to recognise us right away when listening to our songs
That is a characteristic I hope for

Shibutani has been very popular even before debut, carrying out activities as an individual. Although he is more senior age-wise like Murakami and Yokoyama, he is different from them, and is not good at talking, being afraid of strangers. He is the type that does not speak much even on variety programmes. Sound-wise, he is the main vocalist and also a guitarist of Kanjani8, and has passionate aspirations towards music.

Yoko, Hina and I are the eldest amongst Kanjani8, but matters of the group are generally led by Yoko and Hina. Before our debut, Johnny-san said "I would like to let Subaru sing enka", and so I try to lead the members music-wise.

I picked up guitar at the age of 16, after listening to The Blue Hearts. I liked (Komoto) Hiroto-san's lyrics alot, and so it stirred up an interest within me to dabble in music.

I did not dislike debuting with enka. In fact, because it was a rare chance to debut, I would rather not debut like a big-name Johnny's. The enka path is unpreceded (in Johnny's), so there is the impact, but it also has rap fused in it at the same time, so it is not your regular enka. Back then, I was really happy to be able to challenge a different genre as a singer.

But if we can do anything, then there is a possibility that the individuality is lost. I feel a need to develop for ourselves a musical path that allows others to recognise that it is Kanjani8 just by listening to the intro. For instance, SMAP have done many genres, but you know it is them at once just by listening. This is my goal right now.

Maruyama Ryuhei
Born in Kyoto, November 26, 1983. Bloodtype A. Held his solo concert in Osaka Shochiku-za in December 2006. Loves movies. Recent favorite movie is Odagiri Joe's "Sway". Bassist.

Can't put up an outstanding performance
But we will not hide it

Contrary to the adult-like impression that he gives, Maruyama uses gags and dirty jokes often as the moodmaker of the group. Perhaps due to his gentle nature, he takes it lightly even when his jokes fail. But he also possesses a realistic side that says "Only the twisted parts are real", and is a dark horse to watch out for in the future.

Kanjani8 is a group that has opened a path that seniors never did. We may not be as outstanding as our seniors, but we will not hide it. This is something that our songs also express.

The first time we held a concert at the Tokyo International Forum, we were chided by our jimusho president (Johnny-san) because of the content of our MC. When I mentioned "unko"(faeces in baby language) in a previous MC, the reaction was so-so, and so I said "maki-maki unchi"(also faeces, but more crude) at the Tokyo International Forum. The audience was shocked. The jimusho president said later "That will not work here in Tokyo." Come to think of it, we were talking about how our seniors, as idols, do not go to the toilet. I realised how I had not been behaving like an idol should. And this is just an example of the lower-grade things we have done. (laughs) But perhaps doing things idols wouldn't is a color of ours, and so I am still exploring that.

Individual-wise, I am very interested in acting, and so I hope to attend more auditions to try out for roles. Roles of villains and psychopaths are also fine with me. (laughs) Though twisted, I like the real thing. I wish to portray reality well.

Murakami Shingo
Born in Osaka, January 26, 1982. Bloodtype AB. Was very active as one of the key Kansai Jrs. Takes on a big-brotherly role in Kanjani8, leading the members. Hosts many radio shows. Keyboardist.

Johnny's yes
But not dazzling

Murakami, together with Yokoyama, leads the group with conversation that causes even the comedians to pale in comparison. This is considered one of their weapons, but very often, he takes a step back instead to watch the other members. If we talk about soccer, he is like the midfielder that is crucial to the development of the game.

Back then, we debuted amidst our activities in Osaka, with the jimusho president telling us "You guys are gonna have a CD." But it was limited to the Kansai region only. Unlike Arashi and NEWS, we did not hold major events for our debut, so I think we are of a different "type" from our seniors. (laughs) Our debut press conference was held on the rooftop of our record company. Low-cost group indeed. (laughs)

Regarding the enka path, people were later saying "how rare", which surprised me and caused me to feel less "restricted". Because the fourth single was "Obachan ROCK". (laughs)

We are of the same generation as KAT-TUN and were therefore often compared against them even before debut, but we are completely different from them. There is no way we can try to be as cool and dazzling as them. Although it is true that we are both of Johnny's, I honestly think that we are no match for them. (laughs)

We have no regular program named after us in the golden timeslots, and we have no one taking up the lead roles in the dramas. Although we get to be gathered together with our seniors for year-end events, I feel that we lack an aura of our own. However, I do think that working hard bit by bit amongst our dazzling seniors is part of what makes Kanjani8 who we are.

Nishikido Ryo
Born in Osaka, November 3, 1984. Bloodtype O. Steady positive reviews about his dancing and singing. Has taken part in many stageplays. Has outstanding performances in television dramas like "1 Litre of Tears" and "Attention Please". Guitarist.

The frustration of not selling...
We took 2 years to sell out

Like Yokoyama and Murakami, Nishikido was one of the top Kansai Jrs, and was the earliest member of the group to take part in nationwide activities. Debuted with NEWS in the year 2003, he now has the ability to hold solo concerts in venues as huge as the Yokohama Arena. He is also recently becoming increasingly active in the drama sector. In the midst of Kanjani8 which is always lively, his quietness is especially eye-catching and emits a different color of his own.

If we say KAT-TUN is currently so impactful in a way never before in Johnny's, then Kanjani8 is different from them in the sense that we are a group that makes our way up from the bottom. Before our debut, even if we held stageplays, no one would come. The second level would be so sparsely seated that I had to get Akanishi (Jin, now a KAT-TUN member) from Tokyo to come fill the seats when he had no work assignments. Of course I was very grateful to him, but still, I was troubled. It took 2 years before we could sell out all the tickets by our own strength.

Many Johnny's groups are formed with people all over the place, but Kanjani8 members have known each other since our jimusho auditions, so the sense of childhood friendship is very strong. Back then, I debuted with NEWS which was formed with people from different backgrounds, and I had complicated feelings about it. But later I came to the point where I wanted them (Kanjani8 members) to see from my work that even if I had joined NEWS, I would not disappoint. NEWS, which has taken a big-name path, and Kanjani8 are definitely on two extreme ends. Kanjani8 gives their best for even the stupid things. Even if others say "what are you guys talking about", it is fine. Because I would think to myself: You people know nothing about us. (laughs)

Yasuda Shota
Born in Hyogo, September 11, 1984. Bloodtype A. Entered Johnny's jimusho at the same time as Maruyama, Nishikido and Ohkura. Often plays the bullied role during concert skits. Held his solo concert in Osaka Shochiku-za in December 2006. Guitarist.

We are of the niche market (laughs)
Working hard to start it up

Yasuda is athletically-inclined, composes music, writes lyrics and plays the guitar - a very all-rounded player. His presence in the group is like a mascot, having a close relationship with the members. His steadfastness about music is above average, and this causes him to become a key character when it comes to Kanjani8's music.

Kanjani8 gives me the image of a garden, and the members are like weeds that each grow according to their own will. (laughs) No matter how trampled on, we live on desperately. Because we already have many outstanding seniors amongst Johnny's, we have no choice but to create a niche market for ourselves and to open up new arenas. Basically because we were "left on our own". (laughs) Therefore our desire to break through is possibly twice as strong as average.

I picked up guitar under the influence of my friends in the second year of high school. In the beginning, I bought an electric guitar with my own savings and started imitating L'Arc~en~Ciel. Then I bought an acoustic guitar, and practised Kobukuro's songs with it. I started liking Kobukuro when they were still in their indies phase. Nowadays I listen to Western music most of the time, stuff like My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy and Panic at the disco. Music is a part of my life. iPod is a necessity, and it doesn't leave me even when I am in bath or in bed.

My current wish is to have all the members in a movie. Individual-wise, I would like to start with having everyone remember my face. I would like to continue working in a band. I would also like to take part in more skits, and at the same time, challenge drama-acting. There are just too many things I want to do, and I hope I can achieve them one by one.

Ohkura Tadayoshi
Born in Osaka, May 16, 1985. Bloodtype O. Acting work is rapidly increasing. Took part in "Takizawa Enbujou" this Spring, and also has a part in the drama "Hissatsu Shigotonin 2007" (TV Asahi), scheduled to air this year. Drummer.

We may be nothing special
But that might be our charm

Ohkura has a sweet, honest face and speaks in a gracious manner, but he claims to "hate losing". He is the youngest of the group, and was the "little son" to join the group last. His popularity is now on a rapid rise, with stageplay and drama-related work assignments increasing non-stop. He is a highly anticipated character of great potential.

I was the last to join Kanjani8. Back then, I was backdancing for them and there was once during a stageplay when Johnny-san suddenly said this about me "Very eye-catching~" Although it was possibly due to my height, I thought to myself, my chance is here! Just as I was wondering what I should do next, Johnny-san asked me "Can you play the drums?" Because I had very few work assignments back then, I pleaded with him "I can't, but please let me try." Then I was added into Kanjani8. And so began my intensive drumming training.

My favorite drummers include Chad Smith of Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Kaneko-san of RIZE. Their drumming is simple but strong, and not only are they good but the way they play their drums is cool too. That is my goal.

Kanjani8 is actually made up of a bunch of your regular Kansai people, some 20-year-old boys you can find anywhere. Therefore before our concerts, it always feels uneasy thinking about just how many audience have come. It's true. (laughs) This may be a shortcoming of ours, but our homework is to express ourselves in a natural, non-superficial way and to strive positively to transform this shortcoming into a strength. This is because we understand very well that even if we force ourselves in a direction opposite to our true character, and put ourselves up for comparison against the other groups, we can never win. (laughs)

* * *

...I can't believe i ended up doing the entire article. D: Was initially planning to put up Ryo's part only.
Took me forever too, cos i'd get frustrated after doing one para, and then wander off to do other stuff~ XDDD

Attaching the scans for the sake of the good photos and also the region-sales ratio diagram. I hope i translated the article's sales theory clearly enough, cos it was really interesting to know.

(Scanning credits: ∞のorz吧)

Ryo getting Jin to come fill the empty seats, all the way from Tokyo - lol! ♥
And btw - I only found out a few days ago that the first uchiwa to sell out at the 06/07 Countdown was........ Tacchon's. O_O
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