Do not diss!

Aug 01, 2007 23:08


Alotta fans' reaction when they saw this: "LOL why did he stick that on?!"
Thing is..... i really doubt it was stuck on. /dies LOLOLOL~
From the 7/29 con repos, he was indeed sporting a goatee and it was brought up during the MC....
Yoko: Ryo has grown a goatee!
Ryo: Yeah, it usually isn't this obvious.. This time i let it grow and it became like this very quickly. But i'm gonna have it shaved by the next show.
Yoko: Eh, why?
Ryo: Cos the feedback is really bad. (ROFLOLOL)
Audience: Ehhhhhh~
Ryo: Who thinks it's better to let it grow?
Audience: *sparse shouts here and there*
Ryo: See?! So few people! And who thinks i should shave it?

On the 7/30 show, the boys were talking about their friends in other JE units~♥
Yoko said Tsuyoshi rang him up just before the show and asked "Wanna go fishing together?" Yoko replied "Can't, i have a show today" and Tsuyoshi said "Oh, let's go camping then." HAHAHAHAHAHA WIN. Probably true that Tsuyoshi has taken a liking to Yoko. (:

Yoko went drinking with Nino and Aiba a few days back too, and they were discussing about how amazing Captain's concert solo is LOL~♥♥♥ Aiba and Nino were like showing off to Yoko "Our Captain is really good yo~!" And Yoko started bragging about Hina's dancing ._.

Matsuoka rang Tacchon up pretending to be Higashiyama LOLLLL and Tacchon fell for it. Hina happened to be next to Tacchon and he said he'd never in his life heard Tacchon sounding that polite. XDDDDD

They also asked Ryo about his friends in the other JE units.. Ryo mentioned MatsuJun. It's strange cos i do think he hangs out even more with Pi, Jin and gang but still, JunXRyo is like another of those awkward pairings that i totally adore LOL. He said Jun called him a while back but said very quickly "Call you back later" and hung up. XD
Ryo said the two of them have only went out for 5 times LOLLLLLLLLL countable with one hand! And when they went drinking, they drank in silence.

And oooh the boys also talked about Hana Kimi. Yoko said "Toma is getting really popular nowadays, isn't he?? Mukatsukuuu~" But.. But.. Toma's Nakatsu is just too hard not to love, CAN? ♥
And can i just take a moment to spaz at how they use Kawashima Ai's music as BGM for the cheesy scenes?!

Edit again: Tacchon finally got picked as ideal type. *wipes a tear of joy*
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