Musical adventures

May 18, 2020 16:51

So I seem to have volunteered to help write a musical. A 30-minute Zoom musical for kids ages 12~18 for a church theatre camp. I pitched an idea, came up with a concept and characters, and started writing the first scene up to the first song. This week, I'll write the first song (words only!) and integrate comments. No idea what will come of this, ( Read more... )

pandemic, virtual choir, lyrics, musical, writing, singing, aspl

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Comments 4

too_dle_oo May 19 2020, 00:47:14 UTC
I'm glad you remembered this day for your friends. Sometimes the losses go unacknowledged after the first few weeks (months, year?), and the people who felt those losses now pass anniversaries in private. I try to give my friends who have lost people more opportunities to talk about them; sometimes they don't want to, but 90% of the time, they really want to say something small.

AND A MUSICAL?!? That sounds awesome! What's the topic, and are the kiddos doing the whole show over Zoom???


mundungus42 May 19 2020, 03:05:38 UTC
They're really open about discussing it on Facebook, so they made posts about it today, which was sad and beautiful. Death anniversaries are in the body, though, and I felt unsettled before I even realized why.

Yeah, the whole theatre camp has to be virtual, so we're focusing on recording at least the capstone scenes in Zoom and possibly letting the kids recording themselves. The gist is a support group for superheroes who are unhappy with their powers (either because their power kinda sucks or because they've been de-powered). So yeah, lots of possibilities, but a lot of it depends on what the kids want to do.


gelsey May 19 2020, 01:02:54 UTC

Hugs and love. Have fun with the musical!


mundungus42 May 19 2020, 03:06:23 UTC
Thank you, love! <3 I hope to, though I took tonight off writing in order to see my master chorale peeps!


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