
Sep 27, 2018 12:13

Shitty news week continues to be shitty ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

too_dle_oo September 27 2018, 20:23:17 UTC
Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

I hate ALL of this.

This one truly disturbs me: I hate that so many people honestly believe that not reoprting a sexual assault is some sort of proof that it didn't happen. Ditto waiting to speak about it until our consciences can no longer let us remain silent. In light of everything that has transpired with the Weinstein reporting and how NBC covered it up, I find it dumbfounding that anyone still raises this as an issue. What world have these people been living in ( ... )


mundungus42 September 27 2018, 20:38:11 UTC
*hugs you* Thank you. I've shed much of the shame and humiliation over the years as I've learned to call what happened to me by its proper name, but hoo boy, have conservative responses to current events brought out the remaining rage in me. Watching that giant weenis crying spiteful tears that because people are suggesting that what he obviously is guilty of is actually kinda sexual assault brings home how completely business-as-usual this sort of thing is to men to whom women's bodies are objects for their amusement.

Fuck those guys, and fuck their sack-of-shit defenders.

Healing and kindness would be nice, but I'm not expecting to see much of that in the coming weeks.


too_dle_oo September 27 2018, 20:48:38 UTC
Good. I'm very glad to hear that at least some of that weight is gone for you!

AND THIS: brings home how completely business-as-usual this sort of thing is to men to whom women's bodies are objects for their amusement.

Listening to men AND women repeatedly say things like 'Doesn't every boy do this as a teenager?' makes me want to punch walls and strip people of their procreative rights. If someone thinks puberty somehow excuses or justifies sexual aggression or sexual violence, they shouldn't be allowed to raise children.

I'm not expecting healing, either... not under the current state of affairs. I'm just hoping for a miracle.


mundungus42 September 27 2018, 20:57:55 UTC
I'm just hoping for a miracle.

Me too.

And if we don't get one this time, may this travesty motivate people who don't think that sexual violence is just one of those inevitable things to get out the vote.


thymidinekinase September 27 2018, 21:24:28 UTC
Witnessing and sending hugs


mundungus42 September 27 2018, 21:31:12 UTC
Hugs gratefully accepted and returned.

Also! Commentary on art history!


gelsey September 27 2018, 23:08:49 UTC

I'm having to distance myself from the news and social media a bit. I wasn't raped, but I've had enough incidents od my own that it bothers me so much. i was a little heartbrokem when thr guy I had been talking to, sort of, posted something about men can't talk to women at all these days because that attirude.. just crushes me. I've posted a few things about some things since. Pretty sure he's seen them, but like me not commenting on his, he hasn't commented on mine.

Ah well.

Hugs and love because of your owm experiences. I'm so sorry.


mundungus42 September 27 2018, 23:26:27 UTC
*hugs you tightly* You don't have to be physically assaulted to have toxic masculinity and its various forms mess with your head. This dude who's willfully misunderstanding consent is absolutely that sort of thing.


gelsey September 27 2018, 23:31:51 UTC
Yeah. I had a bad experience even with someone I wouldn't ever accuse of purposefully being that way *shrugs* And yeah, we all I think have had our experiences. I find it equally as troubling that some women don't get it, either.

On one hand, I know he's not a bad person. But I hate that sort of thinking. I can only hope that maybe he'll think differently eventually. I hate that I have to consider a person's politics in this day and age, too.


mundungus42 September 27 2018, 23:36:10 UTC
Yeah, the women who don't get it are part of the problem.

It is annoying to have to consider politics, but when the head of one side considers Neo-Nazis fine people and brags about grabbing women's genitals and the leadership won't denounce him, well, I think that's as good of an acid test of a person who will value their self-interest over the common good, and I really don't need those people in my life.


appleweb September 28 2018, 00:35:06 UTC
Yes, it is shitty. I'm so incredibly sad you had to go through that terrible experience which is still causing you pain. Your anger is so appropriate. While I have little hope that right will prevail in the Senate. I do know women are talking and sharing in a healthy way as a result of today's hearing. For so long we have kept our nightmares to ourselves. That's changing.The women who still turn away are frightened because deep down they know they and their daughters are vulnerable too


mundungus42 September 28 2018, 20:09:13 UTC
*hugs you tightly* I have zero hope of him not being confirmed at this point. I do hold out hopes for impeachment of the whole rotten lot of them, though. And I am fiercely glad to see so many people telling their stories. Here's hoping those who need to hear these stories take them to heart instead of bloviating about how men's reputations are suffering.

The righteous teen I was was one of those women. If any good can be said to have come from my assault, it's that it made me a more compassionate, less judgmental person. I also have a very handy well of rage when needed.


delphipsmith September 28 2018, 01:38:07 UTC
YES. Everyhing you said, I upvote a million times. And if your state doesn't have a statute of limitations, I'd encourage you to report that f***ker.


mundungus42 September 28 2018, 20:10:24 UTC
It turns out that my state got rid of their statute of limitations for sex crimes against minors, and that's what I was. I mostly never want to see the guy's stupid face again, but it's good to know that that door is still open a crack if I ever need to kick it down.


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