
Oct 19, 2016 10:47

Well, I'm pleased to report that this week's Agents of SHIELD is easily the best episode of the season thus far (not meaning to damn with faint praise). There were some laugh-aloud funny bits, the season arc is starting to feel like an arc instead of writers throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks, and they did some nice things ( Read more... )

exchange, weather, television, writing, giovanni, reading, books, politics

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Comments 2

graycardinal October 20 2016, 03:57:39 UTC
I am some three seasons behind on AoS, but will probably hop back in at some point.

Not at all related to Marvel, but related to theater and to matters Holmesian: saw this review of a genderbent Holmesian play out of Chicago go by today. Who do we know in that neck of the woods that can go take notes for us? (Or better, lure a production out to this coast?)


dickgloucester October 20 2016, 10:02:39 UTC
I hope you can sort out Gio's ailment soon. Poor fur-baby.


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