Well, I'm pleased to report that this week's Agents of SHIELD is easily the best episode of the season thus far (not meaning to damn with faint praise). There were some laugh-aloud funny bits, the season arc is starting to feel like an arc instead of writers throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks, and they did some nice things with the characters instead of arbitrarily keeping them from speaking to one another. However, getting to enjoy the show means that I was up waaaay too late on a work night, and I confess, I might have had one more glass of wine than was strictly wise. Especially after a successful attempt at making a
Champs-Elysées cocktail with the last of our green Chartreuse (sans simple syrup). (Yum.)
Suffice it to say I am feeling a bit ragged today, though adequately functional, and I blew past that big round number of words on my
sshg_giftfest story. W00t! However, the scene I'm currently on is going to take a while to write. I only hope it's worth it. The image I have in my head is iconic. Here's hoping I can translate it well to the page! And squish in everything that needs to get squished in before the end of the story. Preferably in time to have it beta-read and/or Brit-picked before turning it in on November 2nd. Eep.
I finished the
typography wonk book, but it's not due back at the library until January, so I will probably keep it around throughout the process of formatting The Book Manuscript. Because it was one of those happy headspace-making books that makes you look up from it and gasp because you've just had a great idea that's kind-of-but-not-really related to what you've just read. And it also just has a lot of cool and useful, if iconoclastic, advice about formatting. And a handy glossary! I've also started a selective re-skim of Doug Hofstadters's delightful and moving book on translation,
Le Ton Beau De Marot: In Praise Of The Music Of Language, as it's a deeply personal book that I admire for a number of reasons (though not typographical... the script font in the section headers looked dated ten years ago). And it's fun to read!
I am slightly annoyed with my weather app, which predicted hot Santa Ana winds and temperatures topping 90F today. However, those winds have not materialized, so it's in the low 70Fs and I'm dressed for 90F. At least I was sensible and layered, so I haven't had to use my office space heater too much this morning (my ankles are cold). Note to self: do laundry so you can continue to layer in defiance of unreliable weather apps. This has been a weird week, weather-wise. I actually got rained on on Monday (well, heavily misted on, SoCal rain being what it is), and it's looking like we'll have red flag warnings later this week, assuming the winds really do arrive. Here's hoping for a wildfire-free autumn. Because wouldn't it just be great to have to go vote in a firestorm? (It would make a good story, at least...)
Right! I got a good pile of work processed yesterday and I'm hoping to make a similar dent in today's work pile. Mr. 42 teaches late tonight, so I will make an effort to leave work on time so I can get home and walk the pups. Alas, even after the course of antibiotics, Giovanni is still coughing and not eating very much, so we may have to take him back to the vet and see if we can't find out what's irritating his throat. We did discover that our previous bag of expensive no-grain dog food was weirdly tainted with something white and fuzzy, but Gio's coughing preceded the bag of food and has persisted despite having new food. Poor little dude. I will snuggle him extra and see if I can get him to eat. He's not touching the prescription food anymore, so we may need to go the rice and boiled chicken (or pumpkin) route. Funny, he still chows down treats and offerings of cheese. If he weren't so bony right now, I'd accuse him of trolling.
Anyway! Things! Work! Food! Writing! Sunshine! And pointedly not-watching tonight's debate because I didn't watch Drumpf when he was on TV before, and I'm certainly not about to start now. Besides, Samantha Bee and John Oliver have been doing all the dirty/satirical work for me, for which I am grateful. Keep up the great work, folks!
Smooches to All!