Any day where you don't end up with much glass embedded in your hands can be construed as a win.

Feb 07, 2013 09:16

With apologies to Robert Louis Stevenson.I have a little grey cloud that hangs o'er me as I work ( Read more... )

silly, work, filk, rhyme

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Comments 11

drinkingcocoa February 7 2013, 18:18:40 UTC
A coffee jug exploded? :-(
My heart goes out to you.
I guess I am the staunchest
'Cause my one response is "Moo."


mundungus42 February 7 2013, 18:26:28 UTC
Cream is thick but pourable:
You're udderly adorable.


drinkingcocoa February 7 2013, 18:30:14 UTC
I'm just a bovine. Verse leaves me
In muddled indecision.
I'll leave the rhyme to you from now
It's clearly your division.


mundungus42 February 7 2013, 18:32:41 UTC
I think that you would be dismayed
With my poor rhymes for Greg Lestrade. :D


(The comment has been removed)

mundungus42 February 7 2013, 23:39:23 UTC
*smooches you* The feeling is mutual!


delphipsmith February 8 2013, 03:47:13 UTC
::spews wine through nose::


mundungus42 February 25 2013, 23:15:09 UTC
*sends napkins, more wine*


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