Any day where you don't end up with much glass embedded in your hands can be construed as a win.

Feb 07, 2013 09:16

With apologies to Robert Louis Stevenson.

I have a little grey cloud that hangs o'er me as I work.
And though it's insubstantial, it is something of a jerk.
It rests upon computers and it makes my printer jam.
And it trashes vital e-mails while allowing through the spam.

The annoying thing about it is the way it likes to strike,
So to deal with it is nothing like rememb'ring how to bike,
For it sometimes seeps insidiously, messing with my sleep,
And it sometimes batters me 'til I collapse into a heap.

It seems to have the notion that by challenging me thus
It provides a slew of issues for my colleagues to discuss.
For its edifying antics teach me many things of note,
Not that I'd object to sharing my surfeit of anecdotes.

So yesterday when catering forgot to bring my snacks,
And a coffee jug exploded in a shower of silvered glass-
I persevered 'gainst hurdles that would leave the staunchest cowed;
I curse and thank the powers for that evil little cloud.

silly, work, filk, rhyme

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