
Feb 17, 2009 17:37

Because someone had to.

And I'm feeling no shortage of self-mockery, (ETA) despite the fact that I have not yet signed up for another exchange. I think it may be was only a matter of time.

But mostly because pokeystar sent me an evil filk bunny. That's how all the trouble starts.

I humbly present:

The Exchange Writer's Lament
Sung to the tune of “Cain’Read more... )

exchange, filk, funny, writing, rhyme

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Comments 45

gypsy_morph February 18 2009, 05:09:49 UTC
You know, you'd write an excellent Luna. Of course, you write everything brilliantly... Go on. You know you want to sign up. This would be far less stressful than most, seeing as you can't go over 5000 words. ;)

And the song? Brilliant! LOL


mundungus42 February 18 2009, 18:34:04 UTC
Hee! I'm so glad you like! I've only written a bit of Luna, but I love writing her dearly because Luna is basically me, physically, mentally, and accessory-wise (except that my ears aren't pierced). I have caved and signed up. Perhaps both Luna and I like being ordered around and that's why we love Severus so much... ;D


gypsy_morph February 19 2009, 20:14:48 UTC
Yay! I'm so excited you're going to participate! I always look forward to seeing what you've produced for the Exchanges. People who write so well under such pressure and time constraint amaze me. :D


morethansirius February 18 2009, 05:37:40 UTC
Brilliant! I'm such a sucker for a song filk!

On the Snuna front...there's a limit of 30 signup slots. There are already 28 authors signed up. I want Snuna. I want your Snuna. Run on over now! Only 2 slots left! Hurry! No time to find bookmarks. Just click here:


mundungus42 February 18 2009, 18:34:33 UTC
Great, now everybody is going to know that I respond to direct orders. ;D


morethansirius February 18 2009, 18:45:22 UTC
Yay! mollyssister is teaching me Imperio. So far, it's more like Suggestio when it comes from me, but I'm learning! When you look at it closely, all I ordered you to do was "click here." Can I help it if you decided to sign up while you were over there?


mundungus42 February 18 2009, 19:35:45 UTC
Suggestio is all you need when the person reeeealy wanted to sign up when the exchange opened but might have been swamped at the time and was secretly relieved that there was still a spot open. But it was quite effective, nonetheless. My compliments to you and your wicked teacher!


trinary February 18 2009, 08:03:27 UTC
Dumbledore's dead,
Poor dumbledore's dead,
his fingernails ain't never looked so clean...


mundungus42 February 18 2009, 18:35:41 UTC
He had a heart of stone,
And his hand was shriveled bone.
But for Snape to kill him off was kinda mean.


melusin_79 February 18 2009, 10:14:50 UTC
LOL Ado Libby.
What is it with Snuna though? I don't get it.


pokeystar February 18 2009, 15:35:58 UTC
bluestocking79 says it best here - for me, at least (in comments) and the resulting thread is very interesting.


mundungus42 February 18 2009, 18:38:31 UTC
I love Bluestocking's explanations, but my love of Snuna is ultimately a selfish love because in all ways, I am Luna Lovegood. And I'm so happy you enjoyed! Whee!


(The comment has been removed)

mundungus42 February 18 2009, 18:39:14 UTC
*dances in pickles* Whee! I'm so glad you enjoyed- thank you!


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