
Feb 17, 2009 17:37

Because someone had to.

And I'm feeling no shortage of self-mockery, (ETA) despite the fact that I have not yet signed up for another exchange. I think it may be was only a matter of time.

But mostly because pokeystar sent me an evil filk bunny. That's how all the trouble starts.

I humbly present:

The Exchange Writer's Lament
Sung to the tune of “Cain’Read more... )

exchange, filk, funny, writing, rhyme

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Comments 45

pokeystar February 18 2009, 01:49:36 UTC


Might be my theme song.

I can definitely name it in two notes!


mundungus42 February 18 2009, 05:32:12 UTC
If it had been any other song on any other day, filk might not have happened. But your wicked bunny made me laugh so hard I nearly wet myself singing "Cain't say no," even without altering it for fandom use. And having gotten in over my head more times than I can count, the subject matter appealed to me muchly :D *hugs you* Thanks for inspiring today's silliness!


pokeystar February 18 2009, 05:59:54 UTC
Yay for silliness!

And look at those shameless fest pushers down there!

Are they not absorbing what they read sing?!


dynonugget February 18 2009, 02:44:06 UTC
*throws pokeystar's pickles*

Just brilliant!!


mundungus42 February 18 2009, 05:32:44 UTC
Heee! I'm so glad you enjoyed! Thank you!


bluestocking79 February 18 2009, 03:17:55 UTC
This? Is painfully true, and also funny as hell.

And you? You're just brilliant. :D


mundungus42 February 18 2009, 18:24:15 UTC
I'm delighted it made you laugh. And I can no longer say that it's just a filk exercise. *sighs* I really am a glutton for punishment. The Snuna folks were very clever to have a 5K word maximum. It's the only way I could justify signing up.


bluestocking79 February 18 2009, 20:05:11 UTC
Oh, me too. I would have passed if they didn't have that entirely reasonable upper limit. It's a bit of a safety net, so the story can't develop a mind of its own and get out of hand. Plus, you know, my flist conspired against me by signing up en masse and then coming up with cool, tempting prompts.


mundungus42 February 18 2009, 20:11:20 UTC
That was my dilemma as well. That and had way too much on my plate when sign-ups open to even contemplate playing along, but now that I'm in the eye of the hurricane, the sky looks blue. March 1-17 is going to be a bit rough, but all craziness eventually comes to an end, and I'll be so ready to do something other than sing by that point that it should work well :D


silburygirl February 18 2009, 05:00:48 UTC
No? Sigh...

Be glad that you have more self-control than I.


mundungus42 February 18 2009, 18:29:09 UTC
I caved. And probably will do so again in the future. *hangs head*


silburygirl February 18 2009, 18:30:32 UTC
*snoopy dance*



mundungus42 February 18 2009, 19:29:08 UTC
The organizers are very very very smart to have put a 5K word maximum on story length. That's what dazzled me. And then Luna tickled my toes.


harmony_bites February 18 2009, 05:03:07 UTC
I don’t want to be a writer bitter as tansy,
Not writing Ron/Pansy. What am I to do?


All right. Be that way then...

*stalks off to sulk in corner...*


mundungus42 February 18 2009, 18:30:22 UTC
*tickles your lower lip back into place* I've taken the first step down the slippery slope. The sign-ups aren't 'til May, after all...


harmony_bites February 18 2009, 18:32:18 UTC

*does happy dance of joy*

I see you signed up for Snuna as well--and even said you'd do a pinch hit. You really have no resistance, do you?

Thank God!


mundungus42 February 18 2009, 19:32:03 UTC
I sing the song truly, don't I? :D I justified it to myself by looking at is as a 10K word commitment, tops. I can write that in a week. Well, a week in which I'm not doing symphony concerts or allowing myself to add extra gigs, but there's at least one of those during the course of the exchange! I think... *meeps*


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