Belated Mother's Day Wishes!

May 12, 2008 15:05

I called my mom yesterday and spent the day with my parents-in-law, but it somehow doesn't feel like Mother's Day unless there's some sort of silly rhyming involved. Thus, I bring you...

All For Me MumI be a pirate cap'n ( Read more... )

family, filk, words, rhyme

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Comments 8

dickgloucester May 13 2008, 08:01:01 UTC
Congratulations on some very bad rhymes, and the sensless slaughter of metre! Arrrrr!
That's what I call piracy.


mundungus42 May 13 2008, 15:09:10 UTC
I'm particularly proud of cutlass/butt-less, myself. If I ever get any spare time, I might throw some chords on this puppy and make it a(n) (im)proper sea chantey :D


duniazade May 13 2008, 09:09:26 UTC
Love it, especially the last verse!


mundungus42 May 13 2008, 15:11:27 UTC
Thank you! I thought there needed to be more nonsense pirate poetry about mothers. I'm threatening to turn it into a sea chantey if I can find a melody to suit. :D


Mun's Mum anonymous May 13 2008, 18:49:43 UTC
Sniff! This made your mum's eyes mist up....with tears of laughter. Your mummy loves you too. What's not to love about the goofy, delightful, loving, generous, kind-hearted, brilliant, talented, beautiful, charming, belly-dancing young woman I was privileged to raise and am privileged to call my own. And then to get a pirate poem written in my honor....Aargh! Such a blessing!


Re: Mun's Mum mundungus42 May 13 2008, 19:04:48 UTC
Moooooom, not in front of the guys! ;) *hugs you* I'm looking forward to delivering a real one of those in July. I've been given vacation approval at work! YAY!


larox1 May 14 2008, 16:31:58 UTC
This is a work of genius! I'm sharing it with everyone -- and it's already received my own mum's approval.

Thanks for the hearty (yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, yum) laughs!


mundungus42 May 14 2008, 17:37:40 UTC
Aw, thank you! I'm dead chuffed that ye like the cut of its jib :D I figured my mom would enjoy something silly far more than an earnest, mushy "Dear Abby" sort of Mother's Day poem.


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