[Narrative Bingo] Card 3

Aug 10, 2015 20:31

Only four hours left for me, which isn't nearly enough to write something new. I didn't think I'd manage anything in the week I had, but I did! It's only one thing, but I hope to write the other prompts at a later date, because they're fantastic and I'm a geek who spends way too much time trying to get it right instead of getting it written. :D

title: Take her for a spin
fandom: Suicide Squad (2016)
characters: Harley Quinn, Katana
rating: T
word count: 500
prompt: onomatopoeia
warnings: Fight scene, implied past torture, general weirdness

Card can also be found on DW, or LJ, if anyone wants to prompt me for more Harley. :)

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