[Narrative Bingo] Card 7

Aug 07, 2015 20:23

I'm probably not going to write more for this challenge, so here are my fills. Also, bingo!


title: Words on the Page Come to Life
fandom: Wicked Lovely
characters: Donia
rating: All Ages
word count: 347
prompt: in media res
There are hundreds of journals lining the cabin's shelves, neatly ordered by what seems to be age.

title: Only a Look in the Eyes
fandom: Fairy Tail Zero
characters: Mavis Vermillion
rating: All Ages
word count: 543
prompt: anaphora
Mavis Vermillion looks thirteen years old

title: a gift of fabric
fandom: Psy-Changeling
characters: Faith Nightstar, Sophia Russo
rating: All Ages
word count: 389
prompt: anthropomorphism
Her hand skitters above it. Her skin is learning sensation again for the first time in years, and it's not certain it wants another barrier to the outside world.

title: Unusual Sites of Injury
fandom: Psy-Changeling
characters: Walker Lauren, Aden Kai
rating: PG to PG-13 for implications
word count: 654
warnings: (canon) implications of child abuse
prompt: innuendo
To say they are being "taught" is not a euphemism. It is closer to a lie, and Walker is tired of it.

Sorry, Kelsey, it looks like it's new tags for all three fandoms!

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