fic: communication [2/?]

Feb 19, 2012 17:08

Title: Communication
Fandom: Castle
Pairing: Castle/Beckett
Part: 2/?
Words: 1161

Previous Parts

Summary: A collection of text messages, emails, blogs, logs and other communication between Castle and Beckett, beginning at season one and continuing through the series.

Part Two: April 2009 )

castle, fic, fic:communication

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Comments 9

oldromantic February 19 2012, 07:42:13 UTC
The "Castle flirts with everyone" "No, honey, that's just you. ;-)" e-mail convo with Lanie was dead on! And the Nikki Heat costume convo - hilarious! I love it!

It must be exhausting to come up with these and write this fic! My hat's off to you for even trying, and doing such a great job at the same time. :) Excellent!


muldy February 19 2012, 08:09:19 UTC
Haha glad you enjoyed it!

And the ideas are easy - I watch Castle and I write missing scenes while watching the episodes. It's a very productive way to spend the day I was *supposed* to spend writing season two of my webseries...


nicis_anatomy February 19 2012, 10:23:33 UTC
Yeah, you wrote more!!! Thank you for making my Sunday perfect. I loved each word of this story and I can't wait for more. It's so them (I think I said it before but it's true *g*).


muldy February 19 2012, 11:16:30 UTC
Haha I did! Glad you're still enjoying it :-)


lormats February 19 2012, 16:07:40 UTC
man I just read part 1 and 2 and I thought was impossible but part 2 is better than 1, and 1 was already brilliant, 'omg, lol, how she thinks of this?, that's totally spot on' material.

Also: you got the voices of all the characters so good! Can't wait for part 3 :)


muldy February 20 2012, 01:43:14 UTC
Haha why thank you, you're good for my ego!

Somehow it's easier to get the character's voices when that's all their is. I guess it's more like writing a script!


syd15 February 19 2012, 21:11:51 UTC
Part 3 pleeease!!!

his was great, I'm enjoying this little things so frigging much!


muldy February 20 2012, 01:44:06 UTC
Part Three is well on it's way!

Thank you :-) It's a great excuse to watch all the episodes again haha (not that I need one).


bichito February 21 2012, 00:08:47 UTC
KEEP. THEM. COMING! OMG, I'm so enjoying this! I think I'm going to re-read part 1 and 2 while waiting for the next epi. This is so awesome, I can't even... No words. Really. ♥


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