
Jan 08, 2008 16:11

Brad and Angelina.

That is...all I have to say. Really. Brad and Angelina. I mean seriously? LOL I'm not even that big a fan (well compared to smirky_turkey anyway) but wow, those are some mighty good looking people.

Anyway. The rest of the post is pretty self explanatory.

Critics Choice Awards Celeb Photos. )

usa, hairspray, privatepractice, bones, celebs, pics, travel, brangelina

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Comments 30

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muldy January 8 2008, 06:16:25 UTC
She was the one person I really wanted a photo of! Ah least she stuck out over the crowd and I could see her.


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muldy January 8 2008, 06:28:36 UTC
You forgot Denzel Washington :-P


xshorty24x January 8 2008, 06:09:31 UTC
Amaaanda Bynes is waving at you! LOL! She's so cool, I love her!



muldy January 8 2008, 06:18:14 UTC
Haha she wasn't waving directly at US. But yes. She waved at the crowd in general. She waved a few times actually hehe she was really cool!

And we ALWAYS take a rubber duck LOL. Catherine wanted to throw one at Daniel Radcliffe hahahaha.


scribblecat January 8 2008, 06:18:10 UTC
You win N that. OMG GEORGE!!!!!! Gah that was awesome! Good onya girls!


muldy January 8 2008, 06:19:46 UTC
Yes, Catherine touched him LOL. He's looking at her in that photo haha.


scribblecat January 8 2008, 06:27:59 UTC
Oh! Your boy George was just on Ten's five o clock news. Just FYI he had a very diplomatic thing to say about the strike (It affects everyone, what they need to do is lock themselves in a room and only come out when this is resolved). Just thought I'd tell ya.


muldy January 8 2008, 06:33:42 UTC
The strike amuses me, just cos we drove around 'honking for the writers' all morning haha. They have big signs and stuff. It's kinda fun.

But yeah someone needs to sort something out soon or the entire film industry is gonna fall flat on its face.


rosie_spleen January 8 2008, 06:43:28 UTC
You two are the craziest fangirls. LOL. Great pics, love the duckie.

Keep having a great time, and I still have your story to read, gal. Time just got away, as you know.

Travel safe, have fun


muldy January 8 2008, 06:46:38 UTC
Us? Crazy? Fangirls?

Totally ;-)

And ducks are of the awesome. Hehe. Take your time reading the story lol.


phrenitis January 8 2008, 07:37:04 UTC
YOU DID NOT TELL ME ABOUT THE EMILY DESCHANEL OMG! Think if I combine your Emily experience with my David experience, that they'll have pretty pretty babies for me to gush about on LJ?

... )


muldy January 8 2008, 07:41:05 UTC
Did you take that photo of David?

Because if so, then yes, clearly together our seeings of them = them having pretty pretty babies!


Because clearly they're sleeping together anyway


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