
Jan 08, 2008 16:11

Brad and Angelina.

That is...all I have to say. Really. Brad and Angelina. I mean seriously? LOL I'm not even that big a fan (well compared to smirky_turkey anyway) but wow, those are some mighty good looking people.

Anyway. The rest of the post is pretty self explanatory.

We spent a really long time waiting in line to get on the shuttle to the bleachers at the Critics Choice Awards so I took that random photo.

Of course we took Spencer with us!

Nikki Blonsky. AGAIN. OMG seriously everywhere we go she is!

Amanda Bynes heeee!

And Elijah Kelley!!! I was excited to see him - but unfortunately I couldn't get a good photo that's the best one.

OK you may not be able to see it but the tall blurry guy directly right of the car is Snoop Dog. Again, could not get a proper photo of him.

That's when Nikki Blonsky came BACK over to be interviewed RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. Very awkward cos lol we don't like cameras. smirky_turkey was hidden behind her and the odd interviewer but I was like half in the camera half behind Nikki LOL. AWKWARD.

Sunset pretty.

Queen Latifah! I so did not expect her to turn up.

Lol that really shitty arrow is pointing at Emily Deschanel's head. She got out of the car and her freaking driver sat there for aaaages blocking her view until she was on the carpet.


George Cloooooney!

And I think this is the strangest photo I have ever taken LOL. He's shaking smirky_turkey's hand there lol, that tiny little bit of cream in the bottom left hand corner is her jacket haha. He was cool though cos he came over and shook hands when no one else had.

Also Cuba Gooding Jr arrived a few minutes later and also came over and signed and shook hands but I couldn't get a photo of him because someone kept bumping me. Although my attemps are actually quite funny big blurs.

And that blur is Brad and Angelina. LOL. Getting a photo of them was impossible between flashes and them moving and it being dark.

smirky_turkey will have video later.

But wow they were hot.

She wasn't even listed as appearing and then we got there and the annoying guy announced Angelina was coming and I was like "Yay Brad!". Yay Brad was correct hehe. BOTH OF THEM.

Just wow.

I'm still bitter I didn't get a better photo of Emily Deschanel though. Stupid driver.

Also I attempted to take a photo of the Santa Monica Pier at night for Private Practice fangirling reasons.

EDIT: Video of Brangelina

usa, hairspray, privatepractice, bones, celebs, pics, travel, brangelina

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