"You've been checking up on me."

Dec 18, 2007 14:29

Wow, is it cold here or what? But on the upside that means there is a shitload of snow.

It is so pretty! I don't know if Chicago is this pretty all year round or if it's the snow and sun that's making it pretty but every two metres we'd stop and take photos. I took close to 400 photos today and I think smirky_turkey did about the same ( Read more... )

usa, pics, travel, prisonbreak, wicked

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Comments 18

scribblecat December 18 2007, 04:55:04 UTC
OMG SO pretty! Whoa. I'm all speechless. Next time you go, I'm coming with.
Wow there's no people! Quite the contrast to when Sarah was there in summer and people seemed to be in the fountains.
Beautiful pictures on OMGCHRISTMAS. And OMG parking garage!
Thanks for the pics and yes, I would like to see the fangirls being Lincoln, and being Sara. kthnx.
Stay warm and have fun!


muldy December 18 2007, 05:05:23 UTC
Yeah we were looking at Sarah's photos last night and comparing it when we wandered out this morning. It's so deserted. I love it!


I'll show you the Linc and Sara being photos when I'm back in Melbourne, *too lazy to upload*


xshorty24x December 18 2007, 04:58:53 UTC
So pretty, omg. I would like to go there NOW.


muldy December 18 2007, 05:06:37 UTC
Photos do it no justice, it's so pretty!

And omg I want to be here two years ago. ;-)


alyssa22 December 18 2007, 05:09:08 UTC
Did I tell you Chicago's amazing? One of my favourite places.

Now go and eat some frozen custard.


muldy December 18 2007, 05:12:11 UTC
And I believed you and wow, it's even prettier than I thought it would be and COLDER.

I think I'll come back in summer to consume frozen custard, my legs still feel frozen from walking around outside all day, even though I've had a hot shower.


alyssa22 December 18 2007, 13:17:52 UTC
I know! You need serious gloves or your fingers will fall off. Insane. They were handing out these little handwarmer things when we were there last year.

Ah, legs numb from the cold... that's how you know you're in Chicago!


xfkirsten December 18 2007, 05:11:51 UTC
DUDE. You walked by Shedd!! XD And the Field Museum is freakin' AWESOME. We went there when I was a kid, and I spent forever standing in front of the T. rex skeleton. And their mummy exhibit was fantastic! The Museum of Science and Industry is equally awesome. I remember walking through a submarine there and going on a tour into a coal mine thing.


muldy December 18 2007, 05:14:49 UTC
Haha you would like all that stuff wouldn't you. I was tempted to see the T-Rex and the Star Wars expo but if we went into every museum and every expo and every aquarium we'd be broke by city #3.

But I'll take photos of the outsides for you :-)


guinevere79 December 18 2007, 12:15:08 UTC
Oh, those pictures make me miss Chicago, my home in the U.S. :)

BTW, aren’t you going to Wrigley? You should, you should! It’s a Chicago landmark.

And on a non-PB related note, do visit Union Station. It’s the same place where Julia Roberts went in My Best Friend’s Wedding (one of my favorite guilty pleasure films).

And if you’ve seen The Lake House, I think Sandra Bullock watched Keanu get hit by the vehicle near Daley Center. Not too sure, though.


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