"You've been checking up on me."

Dec 18, 2007 14:29

Wow, is it cold here or what? But on the upside that means there is a shitload of snow.

It is so pretty! I don't know if Chicago is this pretty all year round or if it's the snow and sun that's making it pretty but every two metres we'd stop and take photos. I took close to 400 photos today and I think smirky_turkey did about the same.

And where on Earth is all that famous Chicago deep pan pizza? We can't find any! The girl in our dorm told us where to get it but I've forgotten her instructions already.

Anyway we got a ticket to a tour bus so got driven around to all the touristic places...and a few less touristic but well worth fangirling type places...went up the Sears tower, wandered around Millenium Park, froze, wandered around - you know the usual.

And boy are there a lot of Wicked posters here!

Oh also - EVERYONE here wears dorky ear muffs. All over the place, all the guys have them! I guess Michael was more fashionable than I thought ;-)

Warning this is a MASSIVE pic spam so...if you're on dial up it might be nasty.

Sunset from the plane.

Art Institute of Chicago.

That was just on the footpath.

No seriously, what's an Aussie to do with a large pile of snow?

Snow pretty!

Art Institute again.

There were a lot of signs like this one.

Millenium Park.

And again!

The view of the street from Millenium Park.

smirky_turkey being secretive no relation to any TV show at all.

More snow!

Looking down some street from Millenium Park.

Man this thing provided so much amusement it's not even funny.


And from underneath!

More Millenium Park - we were so amused by this place and it was the first place we went lol.



More pretty!

Anyway we planned to go on a hop on/hop off bus from Millenium Park but I needed money first so we wandered down to a bank and hey guess what we found?

No really we weren't looking. I have photos of both myself and smirky_turkey standing there holding a cell phone hahaha but I will give those photos only on request LOL. *dorks*

Public Library.


Because you'd never see that sign at home.

Look the McDonalds sign was lit up hehe just like all the theatre signs! I thought it was cool.


Good thing smirky_turkey doesn't want to go see it or I'd be there tonight LOL.

Ice on Borders!



'Marshall Field's' as the locals call it all decorated for Christmas.

I hate pigeons, but this was cute, they were all huddled around the fireplace shivering!

This was a market we found and had little time to explore, must remember to go back there.

Chicago has some odd buildings - like this one.

I think this is the City Hall? Not sure about that...

The museum. We didn't go in it cost too much but it was pretty from the outside!

It doesn't turn out so great in photos (probably because we weren't close enough) but this stadium is awesome. The outside is all pillars and stone and then the inner bit is all modern and cool. I really like it, next time I'm in Chicago (because I love this place I am so coming back one day) I will go to a game there, even though I have great dislike for NFL.

The aquarium, which we also walked past on our way somewhere more important.

The view on our walk out to the Adler Planetarium.


And more snow - also the planetarium.

Heh. No really, you know where this is now RIGHT Prison Break fans? smirky_turkey should have better photos of it than me because my camera was being funny at this point. Anyway she has the 'lets be losers and pretend we're Sara' photos. Of course we're way colder and in way more layers and nowhere near as pretty as her but whatever...close as we can get!

This was the ice we walked on to get to 'the spot' though, then we could go no further because we couldn't safely. *sad*

Up the steps towards the planetarium.

More snow/another city shot.

The planetarium again.

And off to the Navy Pier we were - Kellerman land! Of course it looks totally different when they're there in 'Riots, Drills & the Devil Part 1' because it's summer and full of extras people, but we went there anyway.

More snow!

And wow, is this not the most American thing ever? We were amused.

Even the lake was frozen over.

Downtown, Michigan Ave (I think?).

The river.

I really like this building.

This was the Chicago Tribune building, it's really pretty.

Especially inside.

Further down Michigan Ave.


Christmas, everything here is Christmas!

Random church.

And finally we went up the Sears Tower.

Yes the city was incredibly foggy today.

Random downtown corner.

And back to Millenium Park!


And there was ice skating. Aaaw, can't you just imagine certain people ice skating here?

Why is the front not lit up? And speaking of signs that aren't lit up we went back to this one in hope...

...but no such luck.

So all in all? So far I love Chicago. I finally feel like I'm travelling now because this is the first place I've been on this trip where I haven't been before!

usa, pics, travel, prisonbreak, wicked

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