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Comments 4

etoilefilante November 6 2007, 14:52:18 UTC
Oh, I love Long Way Down! That's my Sunday night TV night - Top Gear, then Long Way Down. Aaaaaawesome.

Loved Charley's 'hey-ho!' comment in his room, that was funny.


muldy November 7 2007, 13:05:54 UTC
Yay Top Gear is cool but I'm far from obsessed with it. I'll watch it if it's on but I don't download it.

Long Way Down however may have just become my favourite TV show. *loves it*


cecism November 6 2007, 22:42:44 UTC
I'm loving Mark/Callie but more of a friendship thing right now. It shows he more than just a manwhore. :P

Erica asking him and McDreamy if they were a couple though was brilliant. She pwns Seattle Grace!


muldy November 7 2007, 13:06:53 UTC
Yeah but they're totally going to sleep together and you know it. ;-)

Yeah that was awesome, the couple thing haha. Aah...*sighs*


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