Grey's Anatomy
Ah, Lexi and Alex. I was hoping they'd be more original than that...but oh well. I should've known better - it is Grey's.
Oh and if Mark and Callie don't get together soon I'll be very surprised.
I can't really remember much of what happened in the ep ha, I should take notes when I watch.
Pushing Daisies
Even though I seem to love Ned/Lee Pace more with each episode - and for that matter Olive because she's adorable - I seem to have less love for the show. I mean I like it, I like that it's different and it may have been because I was in an incredibly bad mood when I watched this weeks episode but I wasn't feeling the love.
Actually I was feeling a little claustrophobic. Is that weird? To feel claustrophobic watching TV? Because they're always in these enclosed sets and there's barely any open outside and when it's usually an enclosed set.
I know that's the point but it all feels Not the stories but the world they live in. Anyway I'm weird...
I liked the actual story here, because it was a little different - although also a little predictable, I knew from the second they went to see the mother that it was the mother but I don't watch this show for the amazing plot twists.
I still love Olive. And Digby.
Chuck trick or treating at her aunts door at the end was cute too.
Brothers & Sisters
OK Scotty moving in with Kevin? MADE MY EVENING. Because this means they are clearly going to get back together - especially because Jason isn't replying to Kevin's calls. HEE. It also means more Scotty, and I LOVE Scotty.
I just hope it doesn't end with Scotty and Kevin sleeping together and Jason walking in and Kevin freaking out and kicking Scotty out. Because that would suck. I really like Scotty and Kevin.
Mainly just Scotty.
Joe kind of redeemed himself a little with his sharing of the kids in custody, although he pissed me off majorly when he accused Sarah of it being her fault that Paige ran away.
Poor Kitty, I feel sorry for her. I very rarely feel sorry for Kitty but she has every right to lie in bed and not want to get up.
This was possibly my favourite episode of Brothers & Sisters in a long time, I really enjoyed it.
The Office
Speaking of episodes I really enjoyed, I really enjoyed this one for some unknown reason. Dwight and Michael basically kidnapping Jim and bringing him to the other Dunder Mifflin branch LOL.
Do you know what I loved about that scene? The fact that Michael took his eyes off the road and didn't just...keep driving in a straight line, he had to be told by Jim to pay attention.
Long Way Down
Ah how I love Ewan McGregor. I mean I loved him as Obi-Wan Kenobi because he was well possibly the only good best thing about the prequels - but man, anyone who wants to ride motorbikes on long trips around the world gets points in my book.
I have been downloading this because it keeps popping up on
ihearttvshows, and even though its 700MB which really doesn't fit into my downloading schedule I don't really care because this is awesome.
This episode really reignited to of my biggest travel urges. To travel Europe by motorbike, and to go to Africa.
They started in England and went to France but it was raining so they didn't do much in those countries but man when they got to Italy?
Seriously - who wants to ride motorbikes around Italy with me? Because I am so there. It's beautiful! Although the traffic is insane, lol at the traffic where they got stuck in Rome looked exactly like when me and my uncle got stuck in the Arc de Triomphe traffic in Paris.
Sicily looked amazing, I'd like to go there too.
Best part of the episode though was when they were in Tunisia and they went to the original Star Wars set, Luke's home in Tatooine. Anyway Ewan's face is on the walls all over the place and he's walking around and no one recognised him.
LOL. You'd think a bunch of people obsessed enough to go to an old movie set in Tunisia would be able to recognise Ewan McGregor when he walked in right?
Especially when his name is written on his t-shirt.
Anyway, then they went to Libya and wow. They went to this old Roman city, complete city still all standing and because only 5000 tourists a year go through Libya there's almost no damage to it besides the natural decay.
It looks amazing!
I seriously want to go to Libya, but I have a funny feeling I'll be advised against doing that.
But it does look amazing.
So also, anyone who wants to go anywhere in Africa ever give me a call because I'm so there.
I can't wait for next weeks ep!
Anyone who likes travel, or motorbikes (or both), and has some extra download limit to waste I'd recommend downloading the last one. *is obsessing*