Stargate Atlantis - Broken Circles (19/?)

May 15, 2007 23:57

A/N: It's not overly long but I felt like I should maybe! (I promise it will not be 6 months before I update again)

Title: Broken Circles
Author: muldy/Angel of Fire SG1
Pairings: Sheppard/Weir, Ronon/Teyla, Cadman/Beckett
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Nothing more than general season 2

Summary: The city was gone, destroyed, leaving ( Read more... )

brokencircles, fic, sga

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Comments 18

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muldy May 15 2007, 14:27:01 UTC
If it's too long start poking me with a really large stick and I promise enough poking and I will update ;-)

Thank you!


aoihikari May 15 2007, 14:22:59 UTC
dear fi,

thank you for killing me dead with this fic. it was just what i needed for my sparky!fix and loved it so very very much.

give your muse much love for me ok? and please, please, PLEASE write more sparky sooner than later. :3

I'll be over here squeeing my head off quietly and re-reading this fic again.

much love,
wannatee. XD!!!


muldy May 15 2007, 14:28:54 UTC
Aaaw what my Prison Break fic isn't good enough for you? *huffs*

My muse is accepting your love graciously and also telling you to poke me with the large stick it informed samjack_girl I may need to be poked with. I really do wanna finish this fic.

Don't squee your head off! Then I can't talk to you :-(


aoihikari May 15 2007, 14:34:16 UTC
hey, i take any and all fi!fics i can get my hands on. i love them all liek whoa! so don't fear... I love your PB ones as well. :3

yay! you muse deserves all the damn praise it gets. :D and don't you worry a thing, i make sure to poke and prod you every now and then, until you do finish this once and for all! i promise! i even poke you right now if you like. :P

and ok, ok... i'll squee in moderation then. just for you. ^^


alianne May 15 2007, 15:53:23 UTC
*eeeeeee* I LUFF YOU!! I was hoping you'd update this fic at some point because OMG I'VE MISSED IT!! *squeees happily* Awesome, awesome chapter, dude! I love that she proposed to him. "You stole my line." *snorts* They're so adorable. And I had just decided to stay away from Atlantis!fic. I totally make an exception for this one! :D :D


muldy May 15 2007, 16:11:53 UTC
*feels very luffed*

I kinda missed writing it...I've just had no urge to write SGA fic in forever. Yay for exceptions!!

*big hugs* Thanks.


agentcat47 May 15 2007, 16:54:20 UTC
Finally! I really missed this story. I wasn't expecting a marriage proposal either. It fit in nicely though, so I'm not sorry to see it there. I'm happy too that the team let them go off to talk briefly. Thank you for posting! I do hope you can write the next one soon.


muldy May 15 2007, 22:11:41 UTC
Thank you! Of course the team let them go off, we all know they're shippers too ;-)

I'll try find the time to update soon, promise!


alyssa22 May 15 2007, 17:32:25 UTC
OMG! an update! And so Sparky... nice one, Fi!


muldy May 15 2007, 22:12:06 UTC
Thought you might like an update :-P

Thanks Alicia.


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